Friday, November 23, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We ate at my mom's house where she is obviously part of the "let's start Christmas before Thanksgiving" crowd (hence the tree). I can't believe it was already nearly a year ago when we sent out our "Plus 1 Next Summer!" Christmas cards. What a great holiday: football in the morning, tons of great food, and we always hit up a movie at night. We braved the theatres with Cannon and saw Dan in Real Life. Good show I don't remember being in an audience that laughed out loud that much in a long time. Cannon was spectacular, he was restless but didn't make a sound the whole time!
We've realized that we don't have a lot of pictures of the 3 of us together so recently when we have any excuse at all we've been trying to have our picture taken. Cannon already hates cameras. What a shame, I guess my hopes and dreams of him becoming a male model are already shattered :). -Brandon
Brandon seems to be the one managing the blog, only because he is up at 3 AM every night, so you all get to read a lot of his comments so I thought I would take a turn! Yesterday was Thanksgiving so I'm a little late but I thought I would take a minute to express my gratitude for the things I have! First and foremost I am thankful for my family! Brandon has been such a blessing in my life, he keeps me stable and calm when I feel the need to bring drama to it's best! I couldn't be more grateful to him. I am thrilled to be a mom. Cannon has been the most incredible thing I have yet to experience. Every single emotion you can have is associated with your child. I love him more than he will ever know! I am not only thankful for Brandon and Cannon but for my entire extended family as well. Especially my mom, who does more for me than she will ever realize. Your family defines you, they help make you who you are, I can only hope that I am a small reflection of the people they are in my being. I am so thankful for my many, many blessings! I have a beautiful home, live in a wonderful country, have great friends and I am not in need of anything! I couldn't be in a better place right now (except Brandon being done with school, ha!)! I am truly blessed and I am trying hard to recognize that everyday!


Jill Knotwell said...

What a super cute family!

John Knotwell said...

Dude... he allowed you to watch a movie... like in the theater? Those were the days... enjoy them balltrain.

The Lind's said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Looks like you guys had a great one!

kdance said...

Cute family! You look great, Rache! Miss ya tons.