Friday, December 14, 2007

Cannon Tag!

So lots of people have told us the past few days that they look at our blog a lot (thanks!). We need to figure out how to put a counter on this blog to see if they really do visit or not.
Anyways, I noticed we haven't posted for a long time on this blog (I'm still solid on my rant blog) so I'm doing a Cannon Tag even though he wasn't really tagged by anybody.

Here's what you don't know about The Human Cannon Ball

1) "I recognize my parents voices, but I don't know what a telephone is." Whenever either of us puts the other on the phone to talk to Cannon, he starts looking around to see where we are. Today I kept switching my phone from one ear to the other while he was swerving his head around all over the place looking for Rachel because he could hear her voice.

2) "I hate to sleep." An unusual trait from th Ball family that's for sure. The kid on a good day/night sleeps through the night but heaven forbid he takes a nap during the day. If we do somehow get him to fall asleep, he only stays asleep for about 15 minutes before he's back up and at it again. Boy I can't wait until that energy hits toddlerhood.

3) "I have lots of nicknames." Can-man, Drool King, The LC (Ladies Choice, see "Hairspray") and our favorite Mr. Impossible! Mr. Impossible becuase he's too fun to play with and look at when he's awake (which is all day) that you can't get anything done!

4) "I like to hear myself talk." Cannon makes all types of coos and other noises now. When he gets on a roll it goes on for 10-15 minutes straight. He especially loves this in the morning when I'm trying to sleep and I'm wishing he'd go back to sleep.

5) "I'm a happy baby!" The kid is a smiler, even when he's crying bloody murder (which he only does when he's super tired or super hungry) you can play with him and get him to smile. Most of the time he's a mellow baby who just likes to hang out and hear himself. What a good kid!


Clements Family said...

Cannon is so cute...Breckon had so much fun with him the other night!