Wednesday, December 19, 2007


So whenever anybody is holding Cannon I generally joke to Cannon that he should give that person the "puke treatment." Well, I should start to lay off that joke as I am pretty confident I have received the puke treatment more than everyone else combined. Today we were in the doctor's office waiting for the doctor to come in. Rachel had been holding Cannon for 5-10 minutes and decided it was dad's turn. Literally as she passed him over to me he unleashed a massive puke that had to be the entire contents of his previous bottle. Awesome. I had to leave from the doctor straight down to school to take a test so I got to enjoy the sight and smell of his puke for pretty much the rest of the night! So next time you're holding Cannon and I tell him to "take you to puke city!" feel free to remind me who holds the title of "Puke King!"-Brandon


kdance said...

Oh, the joys of parenting. Good thing the little buggers are so cute.