Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"I Just NEED 10 Minutes"

I am writing this mostly for my dear husband! Over the weekend he said that he was going to be on "Cannon duty." We have a deal that on the days that I have to work, he gets up with Cannon, and all the other days I do. However on the weekends we take turns. Well Brandon said that this was "his" weekend, so lets see, was it really?
Lets start with Friday night. 1:30 am: Cannon is crying in his bed waiting for dear ol' dad to come and get him, after about 15 minutes I am SURE that Brandon can not even hear him over his grizzly bear snoring, so I unwillingly drag myself out of bed, grab a bottle and Cannon and head for the rocking chair for the next 20 minutes. I head back to our bed and still nothing! The man is OUT!
4:30 am: again Cannon is crying waiting for rescue, I wait a little longer this time and yet again NOTHING! So I go get him, a bottle and this time bring him to our bed. Even with a baby kicking him in the back, the hibernation continues!
7:30 am: the grizzly awakens to the crying baby..."when did you bring him in?" You have to be kidding me right?!
Here we are to Saturday 10:30 am: Cannon is bathed, fed, ready to go (keep in mind we are trying to head out the door to run errands before nap time) I hear this from Brandon as I am trying to finish getting ready, "I just need ten minutes to do some stuff on the computer." okay, that's great, I'll finish getting ready and then we can go.
11:30 am: He's still on the computer but now he is reading ESPN! By this time Cannon is down for a nap. We finally get out the door around 12:30, when we get home Brandon needs to prepare his Sunday school lesson, so I take Cannon, leaving Brandon some peace to prepare. I come back in about 30 minutes and he is having a NAP! He mumbles in is sleepiness "I just need ten minutes!" Are you kidding me!!!
Saturday night: we go out with some friends, pick up Cannon on the way home and I hear this, " I will get Cannon ready for bed." Okay, I'm thinking this will be great, I can head to bed early or work on my own primary lesson, oh NO, we get home and heads to the neighbors for a game of Ping-Pong, did I say A game, I meant 6! He finally stumbles home around midnight, only to prepare his lesson because he was sleeping all afternoon, then comes to bed and the "I'll get up with Cannon" speech starts again! As you probably guessed it was yet another night of mom tending to the Cannon!
Sunday Evening: I again hear this..."I just need ten minutes," to sleep that it is, while I am bathing the boy!
My point is this, mom's don't get ten minutes! How many times during the day do we want to shut the door and take a half hour nap, or leave the kids while we have "ten minutes" to run to the store! Last time I checked, most of us don't play ball every Wed night and we rarely go childless. I am not venting this to tell you that Brandon is a bad dad, because he is actually a TERRIFIC father, nor am I trying to complain that he "plays" with his friends, I really don't mind, I am merely trying to say, if you aren't really going to do it, then DON'T tell us that you will! I wouldn't have been bothered if I came in to a napping husband, or when I got up with Cannon in the night if I would have known that was the plan all along. And ten minutes, yeah right we all know what that means, it is more like code for I'll take as long as I need because you aren't going anywhere anyway. The moral of this story is this, mom's take your "ten minutes" as often and as long as you can because we all know dad will!


Shawn and Steph said...

So funny and so true! Hope you get your ten minutes soon!

Ben Katie & Peyton said...

Rachel, I am just prepareing myself for this to happen. I am making Ben check out your blog. he already does this and we don't have kids.

Ben Katie & Peyton said...
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Britney said...

Ha ha! That is just mean of Brandon! J/K! Seriously, I would just wake him up next time with a nice kick in the butt- "YOUR TURN!" You're too nice.

Lindsey said...

That is so true!! I have felt that way SO many times. Mom is always default.

Malia said...

I love to see you haven't changed! I laughed my butt off (okay I wish, but I did laugh hard)! I could hear your voice as I read this and it brought back great memories!!!

kdance said...

Ha, ha, ha! You're the best, Rache.

Sara said...

Oh how true it is. It is so weird how we moms are just expected to tend to the babies needs. I have often wondered what would happen to poor little Parker if I just "expected" Tommy to do all the things I do for our little kiddies. I fear Parker would reak from lack of a bath in weeks, be in the same dirty outfit from lack of doing laundry, and be starved from daddy sleeping through his hungry cry in the middle of the night. It's a good thing for mommies! But don't get me wrong I too love Tommy and think he is an excellent father- they just need a little help...