Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Cannon LOVES bathtime! When he was first born he HATED having a bath. He would scream the whole time. We quickly Learned that the shower was our best option, so I would just throw him in with dad. I am not sure what caused the Cannon to have a change of heart, but I am not complaining because it sure makes the bathing process a lot easier. Now I can hardly get him out. Isn't he adoreable?!

This is a rare moment of modesty, he is usually letting it all hang out.



Britney said...

He looks so cute! I love it when kids love bath time - it's an easy way to get them instantly happy and in a good mood!

Shawn and Steph said...

Cute little boy. He is getting so big!

Heidi said...

Oh it's so nice when they like bath time! I've had both the likes and dislikes of the bath... It's so much easier when they enjoy it! :)

He's a cutie!

Clements Family said...

How cute! I can't believe how big he is already!

kdance said...

Little boys, what can I say? They are so cute!!! I want to see that little guy in person!

The Lind's said...

He is completely adorable! I love that age when their little personality is coming out! So stinkin cute! Oh and I am so glad your house was okay from the floods...those pictures are crazy!