Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Weekend at Grandma's

Cannon and I went to Idaho with my mom this last weekend. Brandon needed a break to study for the CPA exam, and we needed a break from him! Ha! So we packed up and headed to the Ho! We had a really good time. We were able to see a couple of my aunts and some cousins, watched some AWESOME home videos, and just hung out. My grandpa is getting really sick, (he has the beginning stages, more like the middle stages of Alzheimer's disease) he can recognize your face but he can't remember your name. It was nice to be able to spend some time with him! He loves, loves, loves the little grandbabies. There is just something about those little spirits that soften the old man right up! He was having a good weekend, he even remembered Cannon was a boy by the time we left, so it was good to get some pictures to capture the memories!

Here we are at Craigo's. It is the BEST pizza and pasta place ever and it is only in Idaho!

Cannon loved stealing grandpa's hat, grandpa finally just gave up and handed it over!

What a priceless picture! Thanks for the great weekend Grandma! You are the best! We love you guys!


kdance said...

Cannon is a stud, I tell you! Where in Idaho do you visit? Come see us when we move there in May. THat would rock the kasbah!

Jeff and Hollie said...

I tagged you, go to my blog to see what you do.