Saturday, July 12, 2008

Where have you been???

I am doing a couple of posts today because I have clearly been horrible at posting at all! Here is just a little bit of the month in review.

As soon as we got back from Florida, Cannon and I packed back up and headed to Colorado with my mom. She had a business trip there and was in desperate need of some company. (Hey it was at some fancy resort in Vail and I didn't have to work or pay, Brandon was gone, why not go?!) Cannon & I did a lot of walking (the scenery is absolutely beautiful!) and spent time at the pool. He is such a little water baby! He could honestly swim all day! One night we went to this really neat ranch for dinner. We tried on some pretty hot Cowboy hats, but Cannon must have known his father would "ill advise" the cowboy route because he was not interested in wearing a hat at all.

Cannon INSISTED on having his own lounge chair at the pool, he would not sit with me. He is just such a little man.

We got home just in time for the Fourth of July, my favorite holiday, and Cannon HATED it! How sad that my sweet baby was such a freaking pansie! We did some fireworks and the kid screamed bloody murder the entire time. It was really kind of funny though. Needless to say we didn't hit up any big fireworks. Oh the sacrifices you make when you are a parent. Ha!

Here he is watching the fireworks and hating every minute of it!

He did a little better with the sparklers!


Chalen said...

Looks like you guys have had a fun month. Have fun making the jump from student to a "we are now proudly paying taxes" life. We just got our first "real" paycheck friday. It has been a fun adventure.

kdance said...

LOVE the cowboy hats!!! It was so fun to see you last night. I've missed you so much! You're the best :) Let's get together again soon, please!!!

Clements Family said...

Cannon is so cute! You guys have been busy...but it looks like lots of fun! I am jealous, I need a vacation!

Mike and Jill said...

Cute pictures! Are you guys going to Blake's on Saturday? I hope so! I need to see Cannon!

the Tonioli's said...

I am so glad you could make it last Friday! It was so much fun seeing everyone again. We really do need to get together more often. Sorry again for your long drive. Next time we'll make it closer to you. (Sorry that I just invited myself to your house, although, I would love to see it.)
Talk to you soon.

Dr. Lordeslupe said...

PANSIE IE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natalie said...

That is too funny about the baby slept right through them...thank heavens..or we would probably have had a little pansie on our hands to! LOL! I am sure that I will run into you again somewhere out there soon!

3 Men & a Lady said...

You guys have been busy! Broox was a little freaked out by the fireworks, but braved them pretty well!

Unknown said...

I feel your pain about the kids and the freaking out with the fireworks. What could be greater than 4th of July fireworks? Apparently anything to some kids, but I have one of those too, so what do you do? Despite that he really is a cute kid! Hope your enjoying the summer...can you believe its almost over? UGh!