Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another one bites the dust!

Well I thought I would show you all what a wonderful mother I am. Here is Cannon's latest battle wound. He decided to rough it up with the sidewalk, obviously he lost! We were outside, his FAVORITE place and he thought that he was SOOO big and decided to walk down the front stairs instead of turning around to crawl (like his good mother had taught him. ;)). Anyway it was a major tragedy for the both of us. Luckily aunt Millie was there to ease the pain, Cannon LOVES his aunt Kamille! Thought you might enjoy some pictures. Poor kid!

P.S.I know all the pictures are basically the same, I just couldn't decide which one to post!


MerrittBadges said...

Ouch!!!! Glad you both survived & I bet he never walks down again. Here's to a speedy recovery.

Clements Family said...

Oh poor Cannon! That looks like it hurts!

Shawn and Steph said...

Gotta love the head wounds!

Tisha and Mark said...

Hey guys! Hello from AZ- I have given in to the blog! A good way to keep in touch! :)

Reagan Family said...

Ouch! Little boys seem to be extra tough! He is dang cute head wound and all!

Andrus Family said...

I had some wounds like that on my face when I fell off my bike when I was like 5. When I went to pick up my friends to walk to school the next day, both of their moms (at separate houses I might add) asked if they could wipe off the chocolate on my face!! So sad!

the Tonioli's said...

Poor guy! I think the ouchies hurt mom more than they do the little ones. Hannah saw Cannon's "hurt" and is very concerned about him. She keeps asking if he needs a bandaid.

Sara said...

Oh poor little guy! But isn't it amazing how fast they bounce back?! And bad mother- hello your track record is a lot better than mine. My daughter broke her arm 3 times in 10 months- all on my watch! You are doing great in my book!

Jill Knotwell said...

You really shouldn't be posting pics like these. Someone might call Family Protective Services on you!

kdance said...

Evan did that SAME thing on our cement steps last week!