Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The power of the DYSON!

We have been talking about getting our carpet cleaned forever, but I wanted to borrow my dad's DYSON to do a deep clean before we brought in the carpet guy. So we finally borrowed it (still have it because I LOVE IT, I'll give it back soon I promise dad) and WOW does that baby work! I have never been in favor of an expensive vacuum because I thought they were all pretty much the same (needless to say I have a hoover that I may never use again!) but wow was I wrong! Anyone who knows me knows that I am probably a little bit obsessive when it comes to a clean house. I like to think of it as a genetic defect, you should see my grandma's house it is immaculate! Brandon is a bit of slob so I feel like I am cleaning ALL the time. I probably vacuum my house three times a week so I was SHOCKED to see how much dirt the DYSON picked up. I can't believe I let my baby crawl around in that. So I am sold! If anyone would like to donate to the cause I will gladly accept donations, think of it as a rental fee I'll let you borrow it. Ha! Ha! By the way anyone who knows me also knows Brandon and knows that a DYSON is not going to be taking up residence in our house anytime soon! A girl can only dream! Meanwhile it's a good thing I have my good ole pops!


The Lind's said...
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The Lind's said...

Gerry parents also have the DYSON and love it and were telling me about it! I saw one at Costco this week at a good deal...I was trying to convince Gerry! Funny we also have a Hoover :)! Anyway you should check it out! You can never go wrong with Costco!

Clements Family said...

I want a Dyson way bad...they are so nice-maybe one day I can justify spending 300.00 on a vacuum!

Michelle and James said...

I was planning on getting a new vacuum this fall and I was looking at a Dyson as well. I liked the color first but the cleaning aspect is a plus, ha ha. I have a hoover too not bad I just want a good one to start out right in the new house. Thanks for the post I am now sold.

Catey said...

Save your pennies-TOTALLY worth it! Especially as kids get older, you'll really appreciate it then!

Jill Knotwell said...

Start saving and get one! Everyone I know has one and loves it!

Heather said...

I was like you and thought a vacuum is a vaccuum until we borrowed somebody's Dyson. Needless to say, we are now proud owners of a Dyson and I LOVE IT! I wasn't totaly sold on it, until I used it in my car. It was an immediate purchase for me after that.

Andrus Family said...

I am so with you on this one! I've already informed Ryan that with my 1st paycheck I'm buying the Dyson ball vacuum because those things are awesome! My justification - it picks up all of the little things that Millie might possibly put in her mouth...that's legitimate, right?