Friday, September 5, 2008

Ode to the single mother!

Believe me when I tell you that I am well aware of just how GOOD I have it, but you can't help but have those moments when you think you have it the worst! Because this week has truly been one in which the "sweet bro" (as his ever traveling father likes to call him) and I have not seen eye to eye, it has been a true eye opener to those AMAZING woman who go at it solo! My boss likes to joke that when Brandon finished his Master's degree I didn't know it came with the title of single mom as well. How true it is!
While Brandon does come home for visitation, Fri, Sat (but now football has started so it doesn't count) and half a day Sunday, there are definitely those moments when I feel like a single mom. Sometimes I look like that beautiful lady a top my post! HA! HA! With the stress of working, in my not so stressful job might I add, taking Cannon to the sitter at the BUTT CRACK of dawn, managing all other household duties and trying not to resent Brandon for sleeping un-interrupted night after night in his hotel bed in which he doesn't have to make every day, not to mention those fabulous lobster dinners on the glorious KPMG, at times I feel a bit frazzled!
This post is not meant to complain as much as it is to marvel at the millions of single parents in the world. My mom worked a full time job, had three kids and did it all on her own. (My dad was around but it's different when you are the sole guardian) I marvel at her ability to have raised us so well. I truly don't know how or where people find the strength to take on such an incredible task. It's amazing and I am not sure I could do it well. Kudos to all those girls who have husbands who are ALWAYS gone whether it be work, school or both, and here is a HUGE pat on the back to all those mom's who go at it all on their own. If only you could truly receive the credit you deserved for doing the world's HARDEST job!


Reagan Family said...

I couldn't have said it better! Hopefully next week gets better! While Brandon has football you should come to AZ! Miss you lady!

Chelsea said...

You rock woman. I don't know how you do it. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one w/ a MIA husband during football season :)

Sara said...

I soo agree! Whenever I feel like I have it rough, I can't imagine what it would be like to be a single mom! I feel for you and hope it gets better soon!

Michelle and James said...

I sometimes feel like a single mom except I don't have kids. I have everything to do but the kid part while James has been gone. You are seriously the super mom and super wife Brandon labeled you as. I give props to all those single moms out there as well. My mom did it for a long time and we turned out great(I think). She always told me you just do what you have to do because no one else is going to do it.

Jeff and Brandi said...

Girl you are awesome! I'm loving Cannon's shiner pictures. Thanks for doing my shower. It was so fun to get together with the girls. We may have to do that more now that Football has started. I swear it is on EVERY night at our house. I really like watching BYU but seriously Fantasy football makes it an every night event.

Ben Katie & Peyton said...

I don't know how you do it, I tell Ben all the time that I think you are amazing!! I couldn't do it.