Thursday, October 16, 2008

How does a mother...?

How does a mother...clean, cook, eat, shower, get dressed, fix her hair, do the laundry, run errands, sleep, read, workout, do yard work, or anything for that matter? Let me tell you about my sweet friend Cannon. While he is adorable, I know, he has hit the age of destruction!!! This kid is into everything (as most are I am sure). He thinks he is being so helpful but really I find him being a big pain in the hiney!
Here is quick list of his favorite things;
-He thinks it is so fun to unroll the toilet paper and put the wads in the toilet, if I remove the roll of toilet paper he simply resorts to the garbage can, unloading it piece by piece into the toilet.
- He likes to climb into the dishwasher, if it is locked he simply turns it on.
-He likes to unload the drawers in my bathroom and throw everything into the bath tub.
-He thinks that is quite hilarious if he throws his food on the floor, syrup drenched waffles, hot dogs, sippy cups or really anything, which is then promptly followed by his tray.
-Play with the printer in the office
-Take ALL of the DVD's out of the entertainment center
-Unload my pots and pans from the bottom of the oven
-Hide his pacifiers in the most random places...which leads to "binki meltdown" when we can't find one
-Pull all my shoes out my shoe rack
-Remove all of his diapers from his diaper hanger
Clean the toilet....DISGUSTING!
sometimes he prefers the plunger

Climb on anything and everything!

Play in the garbage...not the kitchen because it is in lock up!

I will stop there for all of the potential mothers who may be reading. The list above pretty much occurs on a daily basis. and most of house is now boarded off! Honestly the kid is a tornado! I am a bit of a neat freak so this has been a rather disturbing stage for me. I have to remember that I will really miss this someday. He is so sweet and I love him so much! What a curious little mind taking in the world!

*But to any husband who comes home wondering what we do all day, take a look!

I am having trouble with the spacing on my blog, does anyone know how to fix that? I can't double space, that is why it looks so scrunched up top, sorry!


Anonymous said...

I thought toilet locks were totally stupid... until I had Lauryn. I ran downstairs to change a load of laundry and came back up to find her scooping a bath tub toy cup into the toilet and drinking it. I stopped her.. but her shirt was already soaking wet... so who knows how much poop water she was drinking. SICK! No matter how clean your toilet is... it can't be 100% free of all the 'stuff'.

Anonymous said...

Oh... and... we had to put the child locks on the bathroom cabinets and put the toilet paper in there... just tell friends where the toilet paper is when they come to visit. You may want to get him a garbage can and put cute stickers and everything on it and try and coax him into playing with HIS garbage can. Fill it with all of your plastic stuff you throw away.. (milk jug lid, peanut butter container... anything fun) Heck.. throw some colored paper in there. Don't do towys, because he will learn to throw his toys (and remotes) away. Let him have HIS OWN big boy garbage can and dump that one out. Shoot... get him a toilet bowl brush with it so he can clean his garbage can out!

Warner Fam said...

I love it!!! Kasen does the exact same things. Just know that you are not alone. Hang in there.

3 Men & a Lady said...

Oh my... the destruction sounds all too familiar! I totally have to give an "AMEN!" to everything you just said. Broox is in to EVERYTHING too and it's hard to keep up with them when they're sooooo darn curious and busy. Broox is obsessed with the toilet/toilet paper, the dishwasher, the DVDs in the TV stand, climbing onto everything, etc. Do you think it's a boy thing? That's what I keep hearing. It really is a miracle to get everything done that you need to in one day. Hang in there... and I'll try to do the same!

MerrittBadges said...

Isn't this such a fun stage? ;-))

Heather said...

I am laughing because I remember doing a post much like this when Kade was about this age. This phase does an extent.

Mich and Nate said...

Oh my gosh...I am sorry that I am laughing so hard because he is the funniest little guy ever...but I am sorry to you who has to clean up after it all. Mothers are saints! Your pics and thoughts made my day! Tell Brandon sorry about the BYU game the other day, I feel his pain. Miss you!

Michelle and James said...

I might have to stop reading your blog so I will still want to have kids. No, I think Cannon is the cutest guy ever he just keeps you on your toes. If he doesn't who will. Like you said enjoy some of the moments they won't last. He will be into something else that you will wish he was still doing what he use to.

Missy said...

Rachel, he is so cute! Even if he's a handful!