Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sweet Surprise!

The BEST dad ever!

More often than not I take a moment to vent my frustrations about my sweet husband! This time I am going to praise him! Blogging has been an outlet for me to get things off my chest when there is no other option available, all too often I overlook the good in my life and focus on the negative. While a little overdue, I would like to take a moment to focus on the positive.

This past week was a crazy one. I worked more than usual, Brandon drove to Washington (adding at least an extra day to his trip), I wanted to have a family outing to the Pumpkin Patch, which we did just minus Brandon, I had a lot of things going this weekend and it was just plain busy. I got a sweet surprise on Wed at work. (It was supposed to come on Tuesday but I blew the surprise.) Brandon sent me some beautiful flowers, which he NEVER does because I worked at Flower Patch for 7 years so he thinks I don't like them. What girl doesn't like them every once in a while? The card read;
Thanks for working and taking care of our boy.
I love you,
the Speedster
Brandon got a speeding ticket on the way to Washington, so I thought the flowers were to apologize for the hefty fine he received (thus the self -proclaimed nickname, the speedster). However, after reading the card I realized they were simply an act of love. It meant so much to me that appreciated me working taking care of Cannon along with all the other everyday stuff. This week it was especially appreciated!
I found out just today that he also sent my mom some flowers. My mom helps me, and therefor us, out so much when Brandon is gone. She gets Cannon to the sitter on the days I work super early and also gives me some much needed reprieve on those days when you've just about had it. Needless to say I was truly touched that he had been so considerate to think of not only me but my sweet mom. While it is hard for us to have him gone so much, I sometimes forget how much harder it must be for him to be away from us and on the road all the time. I just wanted to take a minute to tell him and all of my fellow blogger's that he is a fantastic husband, father, son-in-law and everything else, and more often than not I overlook all the good that he has!

Things I love, love, love about Brandon...
-He bathes Cannon when he is home,
-He gets up with Cannon in the night when he is home,
-He let me have a weekend getaway to my favorite place this weekend, no baby or husband
-He takes me to dinner so I don't have to cook,
-He rubs lotion on my feet, if I beg,
-He watches chick-flicks just for me,
-His ambition,
-His passion,
-His desire to be the best
-His testimony, and love of the Gospel
-He takes me to get a lime rickey at 10pm on a Sunday,
-He always asks how I am and if he can do anything for me,
-He calls me every morning to tell me to have a good day and that he loves me, & again at lunch,
-He loves his mother-in-law, which is good considering how much time we spend over there,
-He loves his "sweet bro" and me more than anything in the world and would do anything for us!

I love you!

Sweet Surprise!


Jill Knotwell said...

What a sweet husband! I didn't know it was in him ;) You are doing awesome and I really admire you for doing all that you do.

Clements Family said...

That was a great surprise! What a nice husband...especially to send flowers to your mom@

Sara said...

Wow, bonus points for Brandon! How sweet that he also sent flowers to your mom! What a catch you have! Call me sometime when you are bored when he is not home- the odds are Tommy is gone too and it would be good to catch up!! Anyway, way to go Brandon!

Dr. Lordeslupe said...

OH PLEASE! Brandon is such a pansie IE You yelled, he fretted, flowers came a comin. You are just soooooo spoiled. It was nice you thanked him but what about me Brandon???? I get her when you are gone!!!!! I HATE flowers but a nice snickers bar would do the trick. Thanks for letting Rach work with me. I will take her ANYWAY I CAN.

Dr. Lordeslupe said...

Thanks for the snickers. It was soooo good. Love you all.