Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Skirt or "Blank"

Cannon has had this obsession with the Christmas Tree since the day we put it up. I was debating on putting it up at all because I knew Cannon would be all over it. He has left the ornaments and other tree decor alone, but when it comes to the Tree Skirt that's another story. He has grown rather fond of it. He thinks it is his new blanket or "blank" as we call it.

He seriously rips out from the tree and carries it around with him all day. It is pretty cute but kind of irritating from a mother's point of view. I can't wait to see what else he discovers!

He's about ready to take it to bed, can you tell it is nap time! So sweet! The holidays should be so fun with a kiddo running around the house. It is so fun to see everything so new and exciting to them. So for this holiday season, if Cannon wants the skirt to be his blanket, I say OK!


Aaron said...

Oh just give it to him. Make Brandon buy a new one.

Sara said...

Oh that is too cute! I lvoe the funny little things kids do. Oh and love the video of him dancing with Brandon just chilling in the background! Are you gusy gonna be aroudn for the holidays? We want to try and get together when we are in town. we are there from the 18th-31st.

Jill Knotwell said...

Next he is going to be wearing a skirt! Watch out!