Monday, January 26, 2009

WinTeR BLuEs...

If you know me well you know that I HATE winter. I hate the cold, the snow, the dark, the short days, the LONG hours that Brandon has to work, being cooped up, the lack of sunshine, driving in the snow, the inversion, the wind that could kill you because it is so dang cold and most of all I hate that it is practically FOUR months. Now, keep in mind I don't ski or snowboard. So winter is basically a reservoir filler for me. Needless to say I have been a little depressed lately. I don't know if it is the SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder, I swear I have it) or just my transition to mostly stay at home mom. Either way I had to do some serious reflecting on what is going to get me and my poor husband through the next few months. Here is what I have come up with.
  • A countdown to March 8, 2009...DAY LIGHT SAVINGS! This may quite possible be my FAVORITE day of the year!

  • A countdown to March 20, 2009... First day of Spring! There is something so hopeful about seeing my tulips pop up through the ground!

  • American Idol...though it has taken a back seat to many other shows, it brings with it a feeling of happiness, because when it's over it is nearly Summer time!

  • The Biggest Loser...every time I watch it I think I am going to do this and be smokin' hot (ok at least pre-marriage "cute") this summer, sometimes I really do workout but mostly I just sit on my couch watching their success. Again it ends in the late Spring early Summer.

  • The Bachelor...though every year I vow to NEVER watch this stupid show again because it never ends good, somehow I do! I love the feeling of "new love" it makes me remember dating and all the fun feelings involved which are oh so hopeful!

  • How Could I FORGET...LOST ofcourse! It is the nail biter that keeps me coming back for more, and gives me something to do on Wednesday while Brandon is off playing ball! It also reminds that life could always be worse! :)

  • Running on my treadmill...I WILL do a 5k this year if it kills me! So, I run on my worthless treadmill looking forward to the day that it is finally nice enough to take Cannon out in the Jogger instead!

  • Finally...Projects! I am going to load on the projects in hopes of forgetting this dreadful time of year. I will get caught up with Cannon's scrapbook, figure out how to Digital Scrapbook, finish my food storage room (well my dad will do that) but I will look forward to it being finished and full! Winning this sweet Healthy Living Comp against my fam, and whatever else comes to mind.

Hopefully the winter blues will be no more and Spring Bliss will be right around the corner!


Aaron said...

No mention of LOST!


I am offended.....and you are kicked off the island.

Clements Family said...

I am with ya on the winter blues! But I am totally lovin' the good tv...especially the bachelor!

Sara said...

I so agree- but love all your ideas:) I am so pathetic I start getting excited on Saturady that Monday is almost here so I can watch the Bachelor again! I lvoe that show!!! Good idea to just get as many projects as possible done while the weather is yucky- good luck!

Heather said...

AMEN!!! This weather is horrible and depressing!

Michelle and James said...

I have to say I agree. I know that its called spring cleaning but I like to work on home projects during the winter so I can stay warm and make my house nice. Plus when spring comes we are outside as much as possible.

Catey said...

I'm with you-VERY ready for winter to be over!

If you ever feel cooped up and want to get out, come on over! We'll let the little boys play and we'll shoot some pool. : )

And hey-I'm planning on at least one 5K this summer too, so let's do one together!

Catey said...

Oh-and I forgot to add that tanning will actually really help with SAD. It is truly amazing what 10min of light will really actually do for you!