Friday, March 6, 2009

Cannon's New Trick...

Cannon learned how to open doors this week. That's right my sweet little boy is now tall (and smart if I might add) and turn the door knob opening up a whole new world to him and me. Here is just a minor list of the havoc he has caused this week with his new trick.

-He opened the pantry door, found a bag of powdered sugar and dove right in for a sweet treat with much evidence left behind.

-He has taken away what little privacy I had, he now likes to join me in the bathroom for various occasions.

-He will go downstairs to play his father's beloved drums.

-He thinks he is such a big helper by getting the broom out of the closet to sweep!

-He comes running from the pantry with a fistful of fruit snacks, a cheesy smile and the cutest "please" you have ever heard. Needless to say he has had his fair share of fruit snacks, yes he is SPOILED!

-The best one yet are you ready??? Yesterday while at my brothers house, he and my little nephew figured out how to open the front door letting the dog out. My sister-in-law said she heard a bunch of giggling and serious emotion, when she came around the corner both boys were standing at the front door pointing at the black lab they had just let escape! Oh my!

I can't wait to see what other tricks he has up his sleeve! What a boy!


Ransom Family said...

Does he climb things yet? That always adds more fun because then he can not only open the pantry but climb the shelves to whatever he wants. He is a cute little man!

Michelle and James said...

Hopefully he isn't climbing yet. Time for toddler proofing. He is a cute guy though.