Thursday, February 4, 2010

The things you forget...

I think the good Lord has a pregnancy veil too! I swear you forget about all the things that happen to you when you are carrying a child! Here is my conclusion both good and bad...keeping in mind that pregnancy and I are NOT exactly the best of friends!


THE PUKING! I threw up for 9 months straight with C! Including twice during labor! Luckily I have outgrown the puking stage with this little angel, but that doesn't mean you don't have a few mornings of absolute queasiness!

HEARTBURN! I had this SO BAD with Cannon and my grandma just knew he was a boy because of it. She was right. However this go around, though less severe, seems to be favored when I eat my favorite CHOCOLATE BROWNIES or COKE! It's a girl... doesn't every girl love chocolate and little relief from her favorite soda? She is also not a fan of many of my favorite foods, which they say carries on into the nursing stage. O'well, she isn't bothered by Cafe Rio and I could eat that everyday!

ITCHY SKIN! I can't lather enough lotion on my body to avoid itching!

LACK OF MEDICATION! I only mention this because this girl has given me some terrible migraines, luckily I got an RX for that but not until the end of the first trimester. And because I have a terrible cold that a decongestant would do WONDERS for!

THE BULGING BELLY! I would like to think that it is all baby weight. Unfortunately in my case I had a little extra to spare before this girl made her debut in the womb! So at this stage I mostly just feel fat and not pregnant! MOTIVATION for post baby I will tell you that!

THE COUNTDOWN! June seems forever away but in reality it is just around the corner. The next few months will come with a winding down count and a whole lot more of the above!


THE HEARTBEAT! Hearing a little heartbeat once a month at the Doctors office, there is NO sound as precious or as relieving as that! It has to be one of the BEST sounds the world has to offer!

PICTURES! Seeing your baby grow bigger and bigger each time you view an ultrasound. The last one we got to see ALL of her! Her fingers, toes, hands, the way she crossed her little ankles and made sweet little fists that she brought up to her mouth! The way she squirmed around when the tech pushed her just enough to irritate her!

THE FLUTTERS! It's amazing how much sooner you recognize those movements the second time around. She has some very active moments and it is one of the things I actually enjoy about being prego! C had the hiccups all the time and it was so funny to see my belly bounce when he would hiccup.

THE SHOPPING! I have had a hard time luring myself to the little girls section over the boys. But I think I am finally beginning to see pink and not blue. Funny how a habit sticks with you! When you are shopping for clothes you forget just how little they once were. Looking at C now it is hard to imagine he was every in 3-6mo clothes! It is sure a friendly reminder for what awaits!

THE NESTING! Most people would probably disagree with me on this. But I LOVE a clean, organized house! I also love getting the baby's room ready and sitting in it picturing midnight feedings and nap times! LAME I know, but it is one of the things that I quite enjoy.

THE ARRIVAL! There is nothing more amazing than what the human body endures for 9 months and what it delivers at the end of that time. It is INCREDIBLE that your body can produce something so amazing! When you hear your baby cry for the first time, or when they put him/her in your arms you receive such a feeling of love, peace, fear, comfort, and so much more that is purely indescribable!

I have to say I feel very lucky and fortunate to be able to experience any and all of these things as I know so many can't! So, in the end the GOOD FAR outweighs the BAD, veil or no veil! :)


Andrus Family said...

Love it, Rache! You make me want to be pregnant again...okay, maybe not totally. But it's a good reminder that enduring the 9 months has a wonderful outcome! You look great by the way, seriously!!

Mich and Nate said...

Darn you Rach, I got all teary eyed reading this and it made me want to be preg again. What? Me preg? I am the worst pregnant lady ever and I am sitting here reading this wishing it was me...yikes! I am so happy for you!

Bree said...

I am sooo excited for you, I think you need to name her Crystal ;) wink wink!

We need to get together again for sure. I say same thing pedi and rio, doesn't get much better! Although we could do a little shopping for that little doll, I am pretty good in the pink area. We will be ther the 6th-13th.

I can't agree with your good and bads more, I stopped barfing earlyer with my second too, hopefully the third will be even better for us both. Maybe only the first tri, then there are those who never barf, ugh they just don't get it do they... Lucky ladies:)

The one nice thing about living somewhere humid is I didn't get the dry skin if I was prego now I bet I would cause it has actually been pretty dry (for Florida anyway)

The heart burn... Did C have hair? They say it is a sign of hair, don't know if it is true but I live one pepcid and tums and have monkeys come out!

Alright I will shut it now :)

Kristy Cefalo said...

I completely understand what you are saying. I am just now starting to feel like I might want to get pregnant again. It is such a weird, difficult, and wonderful thing. You are so good to look at the bright side of everything.

Heather said...

Like you, I did not enjoy being pregnant. I'm so glad I'm not in that phase anymore!!! If I had a cold while pregnant, I took Sudafed or Tylenol Cold. My doc said either was fine. You may want to double check with your doc or pharmasist.

If you plan something with Bree let me know. I would love to join you (do you like that I just invited myself?)

Britney said...

Loved that post! It's awesome to see the good and the bad and know that the end result is worth it all. I am really excited for your sweet girl to get here!!

Clements Family said...

I am pretty sure that I remember all the bad things...and I miss the good things. Makes me want to have a baby.....