Monday, August 22, 2011

The Dog Days....

I don't know if it is because Cannon recently turned 4 and seems so big to me now or if it is just my normal fall blues kicking in. But while most people relish the minute their kids start school I am dreading it. Cannon doesn't go back to school until Sept 7th but I am so sad to see him go. He will be gone 3 days a week now. WOW! When did this happen? I was talking to Brandon last night and I was telling him that I think I will totally be one of those moms who dreads the start of school each year. I don't want to see him go to school all day, or a half day. I don't want our "hanging out" time to go away. It makes me so sad. I LOVE summer! I love the boating, the swimming, the warm summer evenings, the Popsicles, the neighborhood play dates, the vacations, the heat, the holidays, the park, the BBQ's, the splash park, the TANS and so much more. I like the changing seasons, but wish summer time would last a little longer, winter a little shorter. Regardless, my baby is getting so big. He will only kiss me on the cheek now, he is SO EXCITED to go back to school and see Miss Amy, and his friends are way cooler than me. I guess I will just soak in what I can while I can. I wish I could freeze this time. He is so fun! So smart and we can actually have real conversations now. He is very helpful with his "sweetest B ever" and most of all he is my BEST FRIEND! So whether I like it or not fall is coming,and with it school. That means, football, sweaters, dark morning runs, a chill in the air, and a routine! It was fun while it lasted and will always be my favorite time of year! So long dog days!


Catey said...

I am right there with you. I love Summer so much, and they seem to just be flying by faster and faster each year.
I feel sad for the moms who count down the days till school starts again....they seem to be missing out on so much of the joy of being with their kids every day!

Heather said...

I'm with you Rachel. I'm feeling those same "blues." It's so sad to see them grow. The worst part is, they don't stop:(

Clements Family said...

I love this post. I have been mourning summer ending for weeks now. I miss my kids like crazy when they are at school. I hate the fact that they have to grow up!