So this morning I was laying on the floor about to start a round of sit ups when the sweet Brooklyn made her way to me and wanted me to pick her up and let her fly overhead. I did, only to be greeted with a stomach o' vomit spewing out of her mouth, all over my clothes, my hair etc. I was hoping it was sweat from my freshly finished workout but the reality, as the drops were sliding down my neck, back and chest, of what it really was was far too obvious. Yes it was DISGUSTING! It got me thinking...
Cannon is sick, with strep. Yep took him to the doctor this morning. Had the little swab test done and got the results I knew we were destined for. After a couple days of a high fever, some nasty strep breath, despite brushing, and a whole bunch of orneriness, I pretty much figured it was coming. Poor guy is miserable. He has just been lounging around wandering from bed to couch to bed.
Which brings me back to my original thought. When did this happen?
When did I become immune to the fact that someone just puked all over me and it not make me vomit too?
When did the NASTY strep-breath of a little kid make me feel more sympathetic than disgusted?
When did I decide it was normal to get up at least once in the night with a well child and countless times with a sick, yet still find the strength to get through another day?
When did I have to go to the Ped's office twice in the same week as if it were just part of my normal routine?
When I did I decide I didn't care if my sick kid wore pj's to get his RX filled?
When did I stop caring about sharing germs with a sicky or keeping my distance to ensure my own health?
When did I become more worried, involved, sympathetic, overwhelmed, exhausted, elated, proud, sad, happy, mad, frustrated and IN LOVE with someone more than myself and anything else that was going in my life?
Oh yeah, when this happened.
Cannon is sick, with strep. Yep took him to the doctor this morning. Had the little swab test done and got the results I knew we were destined for. After a couple days of a high fever, some nasty strep breath, despite brushing, and a whole bunch of orneriness, I pretty much figured it was coming. Poor guy is miserable. He has just been lounging around wandering from bed to couch to bed.
Which brings me back to my original thought. When did this happen?
When did I become immune to the fact that someone just puked all over me and it not make me vomit too?
When did the NASTY strep-breath of a little kid make me feel more sympathetic than disgusted?
When did I decide it was normal to get up at least once in the night with a well child and countless times with a sick, yet still find the strength to get through another day?
When did I have to go to the Ped's office twice in the same week as if it were just part of my normal routine?
When I did I decide I didn't care if my sick kid wore pj's to get his RX filled?
When did I stop caring about sharing germs with a sicky or keeping my distance to ensure my own health?
When did I become more worried, involved, sympathetic, overwhelmed, exhausted, elated, proud, sad, happy, mad, frustrated and IN LOVE with someone more than myself and anything else that was going in my life?

Love it. Sick kids and all!
That is one of the most true things I have ever heard about being a mom! Love it and love them more then ever can be described! You always know how to put things into words. Love ya!
I FINALLY added you to my blog list. I don't know why I haven't ever done it before. I guess I just got out of the swing of things and checking others blogs. Yours is adorable and I love that you do frequent updates! I will definitely be reading more often now!!
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