We were busy this Christmas season! I really wanted to take the time to enjoy some of the simple things as a family. Sadly, due to the once lost now found camera, the pics are scarce but the reading is bountiful. So read on friends!
We started the season with a trip to the Zoo lights. We have done this every year since Cannon was born and it has become a family favorite. It will be even more amazing once the remodel is finished and they can really open it up. Our favorite part about the Zoo lights, isn't even the lights. I know funny right. It's the animals, there are so many animals out and active. Especially the tigers. They are out in the pool, wrestling one another and prowling along the windows. Very cool!! This year, we went with my mom, step dad, Kamille and Conner. We had a yummy churro, some delish cotton candy and some AMAZING homemade hot chocolate from my mom. She makes the BEST hot chocolate EVER!!! We took a couple rides on the carousel, where Cannon was more interested in riding on the "Ceacock" or peacock bench than any of the moving animals. After the zoo we hit up Litza's for some pizza and then headed home. It was a super fun night!
The next week we did Temple Square with my dad and Diana. It was really nice. Kind of busy but the weather was good. We haven't been the last couple of years and I forget how truly amazing it is. I love the nativity scenes all around the temple grounds and the lanterns that adorn the walk ways. After the Temple we went to Crown burger and sat by the fire of course. Cannon poked a hole in his cup which led a massive sprite spill which was super awesome! But hey we wouldn't be out to dinner without some sort of a spill.
The following week we went to the Miller Family Sing along at ESA. We have done this the last couple years and it is something we really enjoy. This year they featured Alex Boye who is no John Schmidt but he was full of energy and made it fun. They had some delicious sugar cookies for us too. I will rarely turn down a treat especially a sugar cookie.
Later that week we hosted an "Old School Ball Family Christmas Party" complete with Little Caesars Pizza. Carrie even brought the old plates. It was super fun and we had lots of family here to celebrate with us. We even had a white elephant exchange with some pretty stellar gifts. "Ding Dong Bowl" anyone?

Christmas Eve we did a little Christmas at Karen's. The kids opened their presents from grandma and Jackie then we caught a couple movies.
Cannon got Doctor Pork Chop! He was so excited because this was the present he picked out to give to another little boy. When he picked it out he said, "but I can get one too hugh" Well I guess so, thanks to one awesome grandma. Jackie gave the Can-man a super awesome set of nerf guns.
Brooklyn got a stroller for her babies....or herself. We aren't really sure yet. Jackie gave her a little piano because the girl loves to play the piano at grandmas.
Grandma Karen with her new accent pillows for her new front room furniture.
Post movie we relaxed at home...you know until Santa came.
Christmas day was super fun. The kids slept in until 8, love that they don't wake up from excitement at 5 am yet.
Post movie we relaxed at home...you know until Santa came.
Christmas day was super fun. The kids slept in until 8, love that they don't wake up from excitement at 5 am yet.
Cannon got the coveted Bat Cave from Santa, which was good because he had been begging for it for months. He also got clothes, shoes and scooter. My dad and Diana gave him a super sweet batman car, and grandma Chris and Grant gave him pj's and a gift card for Disneyland.
Brooklyn got a kitchen, some dishes and clothes. She also got a pop up toy from my dad, pj's and "pretties" from grandma Chris and Grant.
She also got some shoes seen above, which she put on immediately. This girl LOVES shoes!!
We had a really nice Sacrament meeting with lots of music from the choir then we hustled to Karen's to talk to Elder Ball, open a few more gifts such as the AMAZING Dr. Suess she made for us.
She also gave the kids each a set of Dr. Seuss books. So cute!
Then it was off to my moms for more food and gifts then finally home!!!
It was a busy season but it's super fun with the kiddos.

Then it was off to my moms for more food and gifts then finally home!!!
It was a busy season but it's super fun with the kiddos.
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