And it came to pass....that they did eat crow all the rest of their days!
So, this is our new ride. I will probably call it CROW because I will be eating it for the
REST of MY LIFE!!! I caved and fell victim to the "mini!"
"I will never be a cougar fan."
"I won't put up with hours upon hours of endless, senseless sports, ESPN, Jazz rants, BYU games, football etc".
It wasn't "I will never live in a trailer" (though once upon a time Brandon made me go look at one he wanted to buy near Trafalga and I was starting to panic a little).
It wasn't "limited nights with his BOYS."
It wasn't "I can never be poor."
It wasn't even "I will never follow you around the world moving from place to place."
It was..... "I WILL NOT EVER, EVER, EVER, I am telling you NEVER, EVER own a mini van!!!! If this is a problem for you than you are free to break the deal here." Yes, it may quite possible have been the most serious conversation we had ever had in our pre-marriage days and I am telling you I meant every word!
Fast forward 9yrs. The Path has seen her day and it is time to start "looking" at our options. With both cars far exceeding the 100,000 miles marker (the Path 170,000+ and the Civic 225,000+). We are not naive to the fact that we need A new car before we need new CARS! We have one of the MOST AMAZING friends ever who happens to work for a car dealer. He brings us home some cars to try. I tell him my dream is a Tahoe, so if he could be on the lookout that would be great. I am set that my next car will be some sort of SUV. We try a few different things including a Honda Pilot and I can't get over the climbing of the seats, the lack of cargo space, the opening of the doors etc that I will still be required to do for X amount of years. I also can't stomach, rather Brandon can't but lets face it he is the smarter of the two of us and on occasion his smarts rub off, the gigantic payment that accompanies a large SUV along with the gas bill that would probably equal our payment. Our dear friend, a one child, mini owner himself suggests we try the dun dun dun...minivan. We do and the rest is history.
So here she is, the "NEVER, EVER, EVER I mean EVER" has come to pass and I am now a minivan owner before the age of 30. Perhaps I have grown in maturity, or maybe I have been "tricked" by husband and various other van lovers. Maybe I have overcome some of that "status" paranoia (although I am cooler now in my minivan than I have EVER been ;)) or maybe it just makes sense because after all I AM mom with carpools, kids, Costco runs, soccer games, family vacations etc, and I will be for quite some time. So maybe, just maybe it really does make sense and it really was the right call. I have to say, it is pretty pimped out for a mini and so far there are no complaints from this girl!
For those of you who are wondering, this is not an announcement, or even a preview of an announcement. Some day we will add to our little Ball baby brood, but that day is quite away from it's come to pass! Until then I will be enjoying the years and years of crow that I have regretfully earned!
I (and Nate) swore we would never own one. When we found out we were pregnant with #3 and were still in school, we knew a SUV was out of the question. we went to to Babies R Us and tried every configuration of carseats, trying to fit 3 into the back of a grand am. Nothing worked. So we got the mini. I will never go to a SUV until all of my kids can get in and out of a car by themselves. Power doors and power hatch plus all of the other kid friendly options just can't be beat by a SUV. But let's face it, these were not the minis of our youth.
Congrats on joining the club of those who said we would never have one and do.
I am totally a proud mini owner! I love it! And seriously, it just makes so much more sense over an SUV...welcome to the club. :)
Ha ha so funny I always swore I would never have a mini van ALMOST caved got a really super cheep super used super old navigator to get us through or first year of working until he got a new job a raise where he was at. Plus we weren't worried about the gas cause Gainesville was tiny and I pretty much went to Target, grocery store, church, and Addison's school with a few Disney and beach days here and there. After we moved here and cash flow wasn't so tight and the gas was rape now that we live in a huge town we got a brand new durango (not the old ugly ones, plus they are smaller and way better on gas) and I love it, after three kids we will defiantly out grow it but it is great until we start working on number four and I am so thankful I still have my cool factor! ha ha ha
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