Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cannon got his pictures taken on Tuesday! This was the outfit he wore. What a little man! He also had the adoreable "naked baby" pose and some in his blessing outfit with the blanket that great-grandma P made.


The Hulls said...

What a handsome little guy! I love his outfit.

kdance said...

Love the outfit. We got pics last week too. I can't wait to see them. Pictures of our babies never get old, do they?
Karin :)

Heidi said...

cute cute CUTE!

And people always say it isn't fun to dress a little boy...

Andrus Family said...

He is so dang cute! I am glad you guys are doing a blog, too! I got your post about Friday night, and unfortunately we have to go out to Grantsville to stay with Ryan's mom that night. But I'll call you when we get into town 'cause we want to come see Cannon! See ya soon.


John Knotwell said...

Ball Train - Glad to see you blogging. Good looking man. Keep the posts!