Saturday, January 26, 2008

Here, There & Everywhere!

Cannon has finally hit that stage of never-ending movement! When I put him down for his nap, he was laying the long way in his bed! When I came in to check on him, he was laying across (top pic) then when he woke he up and I came to get him he was in yet another position! Man, he is a CRAZY man! He is trying really hard to crawl and you all know that means he is scooting around everywhere and trying to grab anything with-in a 6 foot radius! More fun to come I'm sure! What a STUD!


Shawn and Steph said...

Babies that age are so fun. Wait till he's able to walk and even worse climb...nothing is safe in our house anymore. Cannon is such a cute baby! I'm glad you have a blog so I can keep posted!

kdance said...

Look at those cute thighs! Wow, he's way ahead of where Evan was at that age. Evan has been rolling around the house for a while now, but it hasn't been until the past week that he's starting to army crawl. Cannon is a little genious baby!