Saturday, January 26, 2008


Here we are in Seattle! Brandon had yet ANOTHER business trip (this time it's a FULL 2 weeks). However KPMG picked up the tab and paid for me to come up for the weekend. So we spent the afternoon in downtown Seattle. We hit Pike's market, went to the Space Needle at night (going again tomorrow in the day light) and ate at The Crab Pot on Pier 52. Good times, but dang cold! No snow so I can't complain, but it rained on us today so it was a good thing we had our UT coats! It's been nice to have a little weekend get-away with out the Can-man. THANKS MOM!


Clements Family said...

How fun! That is great that you were able to go visit without Cannon! I am sure you guys had so much fun!

kdance said...

Sweet! Do you get to go on a lot of business trips with him?

Sara said...

That looks like so much fun! Tommy was just asking me how Brandon is liking his job? Are things going well? Will he keep going on a lot of trips or is this more for training? Anyway, cute new posts- I like the tag about the hubby!

Andrus Family said...

So jealous - I have always wanted to go there!