Thursday, January 31, 2008

HuBbY PoSt

I was tagged by Brit! Here are some WONDERFUL things about my WONDERFUL husband whom I LOVE more than ANYTHING! He's AMAZING!!!

What is his name? Brandon Andrew Ball (Bran-DON)

How long have you been married? 5 years in July

How long did you date? About 10 months (including engagement)

How old is he? 26

Who eats more? That's a tough call...he probably does, but not by much as you can all tell.
Who said I love you first? Brandon, I was being my usual self, a stubborn brat, and he was taking me home before he had to go to school, (we used to have these miny dinner dates on Wed nights, because he had to come to SLC for a class) and we got in a little fight because I wouldn't tell him something. Well he got mad and started backing out of the driveway as I was going in and then all the sudden he stops the car and gets out, comes over and asks me why I have to be such a brat sometimes...then...kissed me and said "I LOVE YOU" isn't that precious?!

Who is smarter? Brandon by far! The man is GENIUS!

Whose temper is worse? Mine...I get way too worked up.

Who does the laundry? It's pretty even...he usually does the whites (I HATE folding the G'S)

Who does the dishes? It depends...if I make dinner then he does, if he makes dinner (toast, frozen pizza) I do.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Brandon...right now Cannon because Brandon is always out of town and Cannon usually makes it until about 4am.

Who pays the bills? Ok...Brandon totally does! He tried to "let" me do it but he is so anal about how he wants it done I handed the reigns back over to him. He has to have a "buffer" and all this lame-o stuff, it was too much so I thought I would de-stress him and let him take back the responsibility.

Who cooks dinner? Usually me...Brandon can make TOAST! He loves toast and frozen pizza and the classic Italian..Mac-n-Cheese! Bless him though, he really tries.

Who drives when you are together? Brandon

Who is more stubborn? Me by FAR! (Can you say LIME RICKEY, I know how to work it when I really want something.)

Whose parents do you see the most? MINE! I'm so sorry Brandon! We hang out with my mom all the time (he secretly LOVES it)

Who proposed? Brandon-He told me he was taking me to PROM, it happened to be the same night and since I never went in High School he thought it would be funny!

Who has more friends? Brandon, I think he knows half the world!

Who has more siblings? Brandon (3 sisters, 1 brother, 6 STEP I have 7 Step but only 1 sis and 1 bro)

Who wears the pants in the family? It depends on the situation! I can really make life difficult when I want to, but hey, so can he. (Hi- he's been out of town ALL of Jan=DIFFICULT)


kdance said...

I loved reading that. Your personality is written all over it. I could totally picture you all mad in the car before Brandon said the L word. I love it!