Sunday, March 16, 2008

LOST...this may be a spoiler so read at your own risk!

I've been wanting to blog about this for some time but wasn't sure that anyone would understand the intensity of the situation! Finally I just can't take it anymore! First let me tell you that I have a lot of guilty pleasures in life, some I should give up. However with Brandon working such late hours, TV isn't going to be one of them. So along with The Hills, Dancing with the Stars (coming Mon), Reba (re-runs), Biggest Loser, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives (I know it's all trash and pathetic that I am watching so much!!) we can add LOST. Brandon and I have been addicted to the show since day one and I honestly believe it may be one of the greatest shows to have ever been on TV!

I HATE this show! It's a train wreck that I can't get enough of. I get so upset every week because things are just not going the way I want them too. First, what is wrong with Jack?! Why does the devilishly handsome, charming, intelligent, doctor have to have such issues off the island? What's his gripe against Aaron and what is Kate doing with the boy? And hello Sawyer, what is your deal, you love Kate, hate Locke but want to be him. Whatever!

I am so MAD that Jin is or at least appears to be dead! Have you ever heard of a happy family or even a happy ending? Something good has to happen off of the island.

I HATE Ben even more! He is such a D-bag (in Brandon's terms). Locke is a Jerk with more knowledge of the island than he claims to have, and where did Juliet come from? If her and Jack hook up I will personally write ABC and rage!

Sayid and Desmond are amongst my favorites. I wish we knew a little more about them. Why is the tough man, army torturer working for Ben? Ben has got to go! Poor Penny! Will she ever know her father's evil ways?! How can Charles Whitmore have such a small part but such a big role?

There is a web-site,, that is all about LOST. It gives some interesting insight and clues into the weeks episode...however it also brings up a whole new list of questions that you never would have had if you just would have steered clear.

There are so many questions that I have and I am not kidding when I tell you that I go to bed in a fit because I am so worked up over the show. I usually re-watch it with Brandon on Friday night and the whole time I am just ticked! Seriously I know it is ridiculous that I am in such an uproar, but I can't wait to get comments, theories and others feelings about the show. PLEASE COMMENT in this, I can't take it anymore and I need to have some adult discussion! It's just insane!


Shawn and Steph said...

Agreed...Lost is so frustrating. I missed some of the end this week and was confused with the whole death of Jin. What happened when she was having the baby. I thought Jin was there but then he was dead. Questions abound!

Lumpy said...

The clips of jin getting ready to go to the hospital were part of a flashback...the clips of sun were obviously part of a flash forward. they put them together so the overlap would confuse and intrigue viewers throughout the far as jin being dead...i really dont think he is. one of my friends claims (and this would be worth looking at if you have tivo) that she noticed that date listed on the headstone for jin's death corresponded with the crash date of oceanic 815. if this is true, this leads me to believe that jin's death is a fake and that he is somewhere still living in secret. this would make sence considering the fact that if he returned to korea he would again be forced to submit himself to sun's father's tyranny. look this up and tell me what you think...i dont have tivo

Britney said...

NOOOOO! I'm only on season 2 and I HAD to read your post - I'm RUINED! Hahaha! I'm glad it is keeping your interest though...I have to hurry and catch up!

Clements Family said...

Loved your post! We love is honestly one of the best shows on tv! Even little Brooks loves lost too. We are totally confused on what is going on. I have to go back and watch the headstone thing, because that will be interesting if the date was the date of the crash!

Kina and Nathan said...

Thanks for the info on the show. Nate and I actually started watching it when it first came out and by the end of the second season we could NOT handle it cause nothing was happening. Needless to say we stopped watching it and got hooked on 24, but it's good to know that things are happening again! Maybe we should put that show back on our long list of TV shows to watch too! :)
BTW, just in case you didn't know who this was, this is Kina Martin, Brandon's cousin on his mom's side. If you still can't picture it ask Brandon, he'll know...I hope...;)

Sara said...

Oh I am glad that I am not the only one obsessed! Well I don't really understand the whole Jin thing: wasn't he going to the hospital to see his baby? Or what was that all about? And what is the deal with Kate's baby? Is it really Clairs baby and she is taking care of it because something happened to Claire? Or is the baby hers adn she named him after Claires baby? wow, every time I watch that show I am left with my head spinning! What is going on?! Well thanks for the post, I feel less like I am the only crazy fan out there that is so affected by Lost!!!

The Dahlins said...

So I am too addicted and this is the only post that I have ever done- I don't think that Jin is dead. I think that most of the survivors are still on the Island and those that "survived" are the only ones that got off. I think that Penny's dad is trying to exploit something off the island at the expense of the Oceanic Bunch. Because if you remember back to last season finale it was Jack when he was all drugged and drunk and he yelled at Kate that they had to go back. Which I think everyone is still alive. I also think that Sayid is only working for Ben so that he can Kill all the people that want to get to the Island so that they can rescue everyone. Aaron is also not Kate's baby but she tells everyone that it is- so I think that Claire sadly either dies for real or she wants Aaron to grow up off the island. And I think that Walt is really back on the Island- since Michael is on the boat. Ben must have something to make Michael come back and work for him.
All I know is that Jack is lame for loving Juliette- who is the Devil. How could she tell Jin about the affair? She is rude! and Locke is crazy. I have much more but I think that I have shown my obsession with the show much to my embarrassment.

kdance said...

Everyone talks about this show. I really need to watch it so I can know what the heck you are talking about.