Sunday, April 6, 2008

BuCkETs oF fUn!

I don't know what it is, but this kid loves to climb in things! He is so funny, he will just climb right over something if it is in his way! He is learning to play peek-a-boo too so he thinks it's funny to get down and hide in the big bucket, and come up laughing! It is too cute!


Jeff and Brandi said...

He is just too cute! I can't wait till our little ones can play!

Clements Family said...

I can't believe how grown up he is getting! Loved the fun to read, I think I am finally starting to because a little thrifty too...with three kids to buy clothes for-but I will say, I don't think I can give up good jeans! There is something about the way they make me feel!

Andrus Family said...

Rache, he is just getting so big! Mostly because the last time I saw him was at the beginning of Nov, but still! Time sure does fly.

Heather said...

He is so dang cute. I love that big smile of his!

Aaron said...

I love the cheeks!

The Lind's said...

Cannon is so adorable! I loved reading your tag! We miss you guys! You should come visit the sunny California! Your welcome to stay with us anytime!!

Bree said...

I can't believe I didn't leave a comment on your blog , I thought I had. I added you from Sar's when I first started, and have kept up on your cute little boy. SO FUN!

kdance said...

Look at the little guy go! Is he crawling now? I love that kid.