Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Brandon's True LoveS

It's that time of year again...that's right it is the NBA playoffs! I thought I would take just a minute to fill you all in on just how important it is around our house!

The other day Brandon was playing ping-pong with our neighbor Jim. Jim invites us to go out with some neighborhood friends for a fun filled night of bowling and pizza! Sounds like a good time right? Brandon agrees and tells Jim we are in! A few minutes into the game Brandon realizes that we can't go...why you ask...because it is game 4! That's right game of 4 of the Jazz-Rockets series. He comes to tell me what happened and my response..."we have tivo you know." He replies with this "it's not the same, we can't go." I knew I was in for some fierce competition if I was going to try to talk Brandon out of the Jazz game, I gave it my best. I lost and we ended up hosting one of many Jazz parties to come.

Brandon will freely admit that he has three true loves in life. He claims that they are in this order, but I beg to differ depending on the season.

3-The Utah Jazz (I am going to add BYU football, so #3 is seasonal)

Our schedule at home literally revolves around what is happening with his teams. Last year for the BYU vs. Utah game we had to go to Idaho for something, he wouldn't commit to going unless he knew for SURE that one of my relatives had the Mountain so he could watch the game. It's a long, funny story but in the end he got the Mountain! (Thanks Di for accommodating) Yesterday he says to me, "what if we are on the cruise and the Jazz are playing in the finals?" You will have to deal with it bud! Cannon even has appropriate attire for game days, the Jazz hoodie, a Jazz blanket, the BYU hat and T-shirt, lets not for get the NBA headband!

The worst part isn't even that he has such a passion for these things, it is that I am finding myself getting way too into them as well. We went to game 3 of the Jazz-Rockets series...yes they lost, and the whole time I was sick to my stomach because they just couldn't get it together. We spent practically all of Sunday afternoon watching basketball and I didn't even mind. It is sick I know!

So yet again tonight we will be watching the beloved Jazz! There will be cuss words and cheers, screams and sideline coaching (sometimes Brandon thinks he is Jerry Sloan) but most of all there will be true love for his boys!



Clements Family said...

That is so funny! We love our Jazz! We are actually watching the game tonight with some Houston fans from the neighborhood...I am a little worried about it!! GO JAZZ!

Sara said...

Ahh no wonder why Baller and tomm yare such great friends!! hee hee. It is teh same scene in our house. For Christmas, Tommy had his dad get him teh NBA league pass so that he would be able to watch his beloved Jazz. The only problem is the games don't start till like 10 or sometimes even 11 pm here! It is finals week and I have not seen Tommy before 11 pm in days, but don't worry he text me to make sure i tevo the game for him! He has been staying up all hours of the studying, getting up at 4 am to study some more- but yet he will still make time for his other true love! silly boys! But, like you I too have come to be just as big of a fan. So go Jazz and happy watching tonight!!!!!!!

Aaron said...

Brandon needs help. You forgot #4.....LOST! Sheesh, how could you forget that one?

Bree said...

I miss the girl chats during the Jazz games...I miss you guys this time of year, and I know Jonathan misses the trash talking as well. Hopefully we will see you this summer, and hopefully it will be to watch the Jazz in the NBA finals!

Jenny and Kasey said...

oh yeah baby!! GO JAZZ! we are true blue jazz fans!! love them!!! our schedule also revolves around the jazz boys!

Jenny and Kasey said...

oh yeah baby!! GO JAZZ! we are true blue jazz fans!! love them!!! our schedule also revolves around the jazz boys!

kdance said...

That was a great post! It's a good thing we don't have cable, otherwise Dave would have a hard time choosing to study over the Jazz.

kdance said...

P.S. You're going on a cruise??? Am I invited???

MerrittBadges said...

Sounds like the home I grew up in. I'm glad there are other families that are just as crazy over the Jazz and BYU. I just came across your blog, and its fun to read up on your family. Sounds familiar...all too familiar in many many ways.

The Lind's said...

Holy Cow! This sounds just like my life! Honestly everything revolves around the games...BYU and the Jazz. The yelling, cheering...sounds like my home too! Hoewever I haven't gotten myself into them. Good for you Rachel...I guess if your going to HAVE to watch them...you just as well enjoy it!

Unknown said...

Hey Rachel, remember me? It seems like its been awhile since I've bumped into you. Luckily I found you through this crazy world of blogging. But I am so glad I did. Your little family is so cute. I didnt even know you had a kid...and Cannon, ah, I love that.
I feel your pain with the sports business (especially during BYU football season). Sometimes when I want to pretend like I am a good wife, I'll lie in bed and "allow" him to talk all about his teams, players, drafts etc. I get a nice lulling to sleep and he thinks he's married to a wife that understands his crazy sport obsessions.
Have fun watching the game tonight. Feel free to check us out sometime too. cwmorris@blogspot.com

Andrus Family said...

You are too funny! I'm with ya though - Ryan is the same way about baseball and the Red Sox. What funny husbands of ours!