Sunday, April 6, 2008


I was tagged by Hollie! Let's see if I can think of six things about myself that won't put you to sleep...

1. I love to do home improvement projects! I am always thinking of ways to change our house or the yard, you will notice not much change ever happens because Brandon is neither handy or interested. It's a good thing my dad lives near by!

2. I love SUMMER! I don't even know why I live in Utah because I HATE the snow so bad (which doesn't explain my stupidity for going to college at Utah State, quite possibly the coldest place on earth!) I love the hot weather, vacations, long days, summer rain storms etc. It is by far my FAVORITE season.

3. I am a clean freak! I honestly can't handle the mess. The bed has to be made every day (Sunday is a free day, marital compromise), the kitchen clean, things put away. It is an inherited trait from the Percival's. I am a bit of a perfectionist and it can drive my husband crazy! What can I say, if it's in the genes, it's in the genes.

4. I absolutely LOVE to travel. It is something that I have been fortunate enough to do with my family ever since I was young. Hopefully Brandon's work will provide us with a lot of traveling opportunities. We are hoping to get sent on an International rotations someday.

5. I can not make it through a movie! If we are at home watching a show, I don't stand a chance of finishing it. For some reason I fall asleep every time we put something on. It must be the comfort of being wrapped up in a nice warm blanket!

6. I am turning into a cheapo! I find myself becoming just as cheap, shall we say thrifty, as Brandon. I am always looking for deal. I used to spend my money on the AWESOME pair of Lucky jeans, and the $100 shoes. Not anymore. I sure miss my Lucky jeans, but there's nothing quite as satisfying as knowing you didn't pay full price! Brandon can take most of the credit for this. He claims it is just being financially savvy!

I tag; Sara, Karin, Britney, Lindsey Cowley, Natalie and Brandi!


Heather said...

I am with you on the home improvment projects. I am always wanting to do something. Mike, not interested! I will even go buy all the supplies and they will just sit until I get my dad to finally come over, or I nag him about it long enough. Men....

Jeff and Hollie said...

I love all your facts!! I'm totally like you, I'm such a clean freak. I go crazy if my house is dirty. Men don't understand.

kdance said...

Sounds like the Rache I know and love! You have to admit we had fun in spite of the freezing cold up at USU, right???