Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Cannon!

I can't believe it! My baby turned one! This year has gone by faster than any I can remember! Cannon had a great time. He had an awesome birthday party with his favorite people, his family of course! He got spoiled rotten, ate too much cake and played his little heart out with his new toys! We had so much fun. We would like to thank our wonderful family who are always there to support us and celebrate the milestones in life! We love you and were glad you could come to "the bro's" party.
Before the big party he was hanging out with his birthday presents from mom and dad. Notice the new "game day" t-shirt from dad. (The BYU season opener is August 30th)
He LOVED the balloons and Mickey Mouse riding toy from grandma...

but he may have LOVED free reign on the cake and ice cream more!

Playing with his cousin Sawyer and new toy!

We got a him a Thomas the Train cake, it turned way better than I expected. When you order from Smiths they give you a free cake (little) if it is the child's first birthday. It was so cute, it matched the big one and was perfect for Cannon to dive into.

Happy Birthday buddy! We love you so much and we are so glad that you are our little can man. You are such a good boy and we had so much fun watching you celebrate your birthday!

Some of my favorite things about Cannon:
1. The way he gives wet slobbery kisses
2. How he plays with my hair when he is falling asleep
3. The way he always crosses his little feet
4. The way he grunts when he walks
5. How he says hi with a big smile on his face
6. The way he races to the door to greet his dad when he comes home
7. How he tips his bottle up to "chug"
8. The way he shakes his little booty when he hears music
9. When he mimics the chorister at church and swings his hand in the air
10. When he naps...(that's a selfish one)
11. When he wakes up in the morning talking in his bed
12. When he leaves his sunglasses on
13. The way he plays peek-a-boo with a baritone "boo"
14. When he gets so deliriously tired and he laughs so hard his tummy hurts
15. How curious and mechanical he is
16. They way he covers his eyes when he his stressed
17. When he carries my phone around all day, puts it up to his ear and says "hi, hi, hi"
18. When he smiles in his sleep
19. When he sleeps with his hands behind his head
20. When he hugs me just because he can


3 Men & a Lady said...

Oh my goodness, Happy birthday, Cannon! I can't believe he's already one! What a cute birthday that looked/sounded like a blast! I loved your favorites list. What a blessing these little monsters are!:D

Bree said...

It goes way to fast doesn't it... I want to slow down the time. He is so cute, can't wait to see you guys at christmas!

Ben Katie & Peyton said...

I can't believe he is already one! He is the cutest.

Jill Knotwell said...

What a sweet little guy. We sure miss seeing him twice a week!

Jeff and Brandi said...

We love the can-man! He's so cute. I can't believe that he is already one. I just want to squeeze his cheeks!

Clements Family said...

I can't believe he is one! Happy Birthday! He is so stinkin' cute! His cake is so cute!

the Tonioli's said...

Happy birthday handsome boy! Don't you just love kid's birthdays? They are so much fun. It's crazy how fast it goes by.

Michelle and James said...

You might have to tell Kamille this just so she can feel special or slided which ever way she takes it. But I didn't realize it was Cannon's birthday until I remembered Kamille's. Its unbelievable how much they grow in so little time. Wow and entire year, time goes so fast. He is a stinkin cuttie, enjoy it while you can. Especially those hugs and kisses. Happy Birthday Can Man!!!

Andrus Family said...

Where did that year go, honestly! He is growing up so fast and getting cuter by the second. You have one good little guy on your hands...'bout time to have another one don't ya think?! Ha Ha!