Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Every once in a while you are rewarded with a "moment." They can come at the strangest times, the hardest times, the best times and when you are least expecting them. Tonight I was reminded of just how much the Savior loves little children with just that, a moment.
We have been working on saying prayers with Cannon before he goes to bed. Most of the time he just walks up to you and pokes around at your face while you try to remain serious and finish the prayer. On a few occasions I have caught him with his arms folded mumbling some baby gibberish, leading me to hope he is praying. Tonight when I was putting him to bed, I kneeled on his floor and began the prayer. He wasn't poking around yet, so naturally I peeked. To my surprise I found him kneeling in front of me with his arms folded.
It was one of those moments that made my heart melt! It is times like that, that make it all worth it and confirm that the Savior truly will abide in our homes if we let him. He truly loves the little children and I believe with all my heart that he is in constant contact with them. What a precious moment that I will forever cherish!


Reagan Family said...

Beautifully written. Those are the moments we live for! Thank you for sharing.

Jill Knotwell said...

That is so sweet! William will grab his arm for 2 seconds then he runs around. Maybe there is hope for him :)

Clements Family said...

That is so cute! I love that you wrote that down!

Heather said...

Thanks for sharing that. It's truly those moments that make all the hard times are persistence pay off.

Michelle and James said...

That was amazing. It gave me goose bumps and I can't wait for those moments to come into our home. James and I try really hard to allow the spirit in our home as much as possible but you are so right when it comes to children. I think as parents you have to help it along but the Savior does have a special place and spot for children they need all the help and guidence they can get in this world. Thanks for sharing.

Ben Katie & Peyton said...

That is how you know they come from heaven, so sweet!