Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tis' the season!

I don't know how I did it but somehow I talked Brandon into putting Christmas Lights on our house this year. We bought a whole bunch of them last year on clearance and I have been so excited to put them up. I would have preferred the white lights but I knew if I even stood a chance of getting them on my house, they would have to be Brandon's favorite...colored! I can also tell you with great confidence that if it wouldn't have been my birthday he would have bagged the whole thing. It started out a little rough but ended well. It was his first time putting lights up and he did an excellent job!

Thanks for the lights honey! I can't wait for December 1 so we can turn them on.

BTW, I got a new camera for my birthday because mine is a big piece,thus the pictures of Balltrain on the roof, I was learning the ins and outs of my new camera! Thanks for the camera too, Mr. Tooter!


Dr. Lordeslupe said...

Yeah!!! I am the first to comment. You house is so adorable. You should be very proud of your family. Brandon is such the man...he didnt do jumping jacks while on the roof did he???
See you tomorrow. Where is Brandon taking us to lunch?????

Michelle and James said...

Cool! I bet it will be gorgeous! I didn't get a chance to call you on your birthday (I suck at that kind of stuff) but Happy Birthday, hope it was a good one. Tell Brandon good job. By the way when are you coming for Thanksgiving and is your whole family coming?

MerrittBadges said...

Well, I'm looking forward to going(riding) by your home to admire Brandon's handiwork! Each year gets easier to put them up. The first year we did it, Bill and I were in eachother's face. This year (3rd year) it was quick (abt 1 hour), and we were still smiling and giggling with eachother! Way to go, Brandon! Also Rachel, I'm looking forward to great photos now. ;-p

Reagan Family said...

Happy Birthday and sweet lights. I love Christmas lights and I am glad you went with the colored ones!

Sara said...

Mr. Tooter?! Love it! Christmas is such a fun time of year- yea for Brandon for putting the lights up!

The Lind's said...

First off...HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY RACHEL!! I hope it was a GREAT day!! Sounds like you got some nice things...lights and all! I have meant to comment about the your husband mr. toot himself! That kills and Gerry were rolling laughing at his post! Love it! Hey lets get together at Christmas if your available!

Clements Family said...

Happy late birthday! How exciting that you got lights up-but I can't believe you are waiting until the 1st to turn them boys insist that we turn our on every night-and then they have to go out and check them out!