Thursday, November 15, 2012


I know you are signing the glorious tune from Napoleon Dynamite and if you weren't you are now! 

It's true though! Today is the DAY, the big THREE-O! The dirty 30! The black balloons and suddenly an extra 15lbs...(where did it come from? I'm sure it just arrived today :) ) As I have been receiving phone calls, text messages, face book posts, emails and letters I can't help but marvel at technology! Seriously! It is such an amazing thing, it has opened the window to rekindle past friendships, stay in touch with those afar or less often seen.  It has paved the way for this, the BALLERBLOG! It allows for medicine, and jobs and education and everyday comforts so often taken for granted.  Technology is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G and today I am overwhelmingly thankful for it!

Continue singing..."I love technology..."


Tisha and Mark said...

I love technology, but not as much as you, you see. Always, and forever.