Thursday, November 29, 2012


Today I am thankful for friends! I am thankful for my friends, for my kids friends even for Brandon's friends. I am thankful for the good influence that friends can have, for the inspiration, for the intuition and for the support that they can offer.  I am thankful for the generosity, the understanding, the peace the happiness and the fulfillment those relationships can extend.

There is nothing like having a crappy day, or a long night with sick babes and the next day discover one of your "besties" has dropped off a Diet Mountain Dew to help you get through the day.  There is nothing like receiving a note saying just what you needed to hear or a friend who listens when you need to let it all out.  There is comfort in knowing you have a group of allies, a "village," a posse of support! There is nothing like a FRIEND!

 With that I am also thankful to be friend.  Sometimes you don't even know when you are being the strength that someone needs.  Sometimes you don't realize a smile or a wave or a play date at your house is helping someone out in ways beyond measure.  Sometimes that diet coke drop off at 8am or the McDonald's summons you felt like sending out, is the only saving grace for your dear friend that day.  I am thankful for the service that as friends we can provide but mostly I am incredibly THANKFUL for all the service that my friends provide me! I love my ladies and you ALL you know who are! I love my neighborhood "kids," and shh don't tell, I even love Brandon's "boys!" I love knowing that we are surrounded by people whom we love and admire and I am beyond thankful for those relationships!