Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I have been tagged by Becca Lind! Sorry it took me so long Becca, but here goes nothing!

1. I LOVE the 80's! I was born just about a decade too late! I honestly love everything about the 80's. I love the BIG, permed hair, (I totally wish it was still cool!) the TV shows, the fact that I was just a carefree youngster and lets not forget the most important thing...the music! I think I have every Bon Jovi album ever made, Def Lepard is close behind and even though they are the ugliest things ever how about those stretch pants! (No I don't own any!) Gotta love the 80's baby!

2. I hate tomatoes! I love everything with tomatoes, such as spaghetti, ketchup, tomato soup etc, but you give me a tomato on a burger or on my sandwich and there is a good chance I will throw it back at you. I used to claim they caused cancer...however my college room-mates were quick to post an article on our fridge that proved just the opposite...they can prevent it! Who knew something so gross could work such miracles!

3. I absolutely LOVE to travel! (Funny I know since I am married to Brandon Ball the man who has traveled only the south west corner of the Salt Lake Valley and even that is a stretch!) I would go somewhere every weekend if I could. When I lived at home, my parents took us places all the time. I have been very fortunate to travel to so many different places! My favorite place so far is Washington D.C. What an awesome, and no lie spiritual place! I am still waiting on my dream trip... a cruise to ALL the Hawaiian islands. (Brandon promises it is coming, however I am envisioning myself in walker by that point! Sorry honey!) "Someday!"

4. I can cook better by making something up than using a recipe! Odd I know but it's true! If I follow a recipe it usually turns out pretty crummy! However if I am making it up as I go, or adding in my own "special touch" it's usually not too bad. I really enjoy cooking and baking and I am actually not too bad. (The next time any of you try something I made, I am sure it will bomb, so I probably shouldn't be telling you this!)

5. I want to become a runner SO bad. But I lack a few key ingredients! 1-I am lazy and it is all I can do to get on my elliptical 3 times a week. 2-I have a really crappy ankle thanks to my passion for Gardner Village furniture, which left me with 2 metal plates and 10 titanium screws in my ankle and leg. 3-I am lazy! I already get up at 5AM, I am not getting up earlier to go on a run. But, really that is one of my goals. I am slowly working on it, one day I will run a marathon! ( Just a short one though!)

6. I can hold my own in sports talk! Lame I know. But anyone who knows Brandon knows he can tell you anything about any sport, player, game, play or coach that has ever lived! So thanks to the never ending ESPN, the Sports Beat, every Sunday night football game, every Jazz game and the balltrain himself, I have learned a lot over the last five years!

Well there it is...a little bit about the rachetrain! Good times! Thanks for the Tag Becca! Now I tag Jill Bastian, Leslie Andrus, Annie Reagan, Britney Jensen, Sara Dunn, Karin Dance! Have Fun girls!


kdance said...

I will never forget your passion for Bon Jovi, which was so surprising to me when I first met you. Rache, I just read an article that said tomatoes do, in fact, cause cancer...jk. I wish I could run too, but my knees and feet can't take it. So, I walk instead.

P.S. You are the third person to tag me. I'm so lazy, though. So, I'll tell you up front that I probably won't do it. I loved reading yours, though. I loved the one you emailed a couple of weeks ago, too. I just hate filling them out myself.

Kina and Nathan said...

Hey Guys! Kalee told me about your blog so I had to check it out! This is the first time I've even got to see your little guy! He's sooo cute! It looks like everything is going really well for you!

Nate and I are living up in Canada and it's FREEZING!!! Lately it's been around 0 to -3 degrees F! Yikes!! I keep forgetting why we are up here...but I then Nate just reminds me, socialized medicine! Anyway, take care you guys! I added you guys to our blog if that's okay. Ours is kind of boring cause I never update it but hopefully I will get better at that! Talk to you guys later!