Friday, January 11, 2008

How does a kid get an ear infection with all these clothes on? Not his favorite moment, we just got back from the Doc and he HATES his car seat!

First of all THANK YOU to those cute girls who helped me find a better blog template! That is super easy! The step-by-step instrcutions are a must for me. Seeing as how I am so computer savy! NOT! Maybe next I will try adding music. Don't look for it any time soon. I'm not that clever! Besides, I like to limit myself to one big feat a week! HA!

This week however, I would like to think I am climbing Mount Everest! Brandon has been on a businees trip since Sunday and doesn't come back until next Tuesday! To make it even worse he is in FLORIDA! Hello, it has snowed like every day and it's 12 degrees here! It's a pleasant 80 in Florida! LUCKY! On top of the no dad factor Cannon has selectively chosen to get a double ear infection while his dad is gone! Anyone with kids knows what that means...SCREAMING in the middle of the night and FUSSY days, and thanks to my re-negotiated contract, (thoughtfully negotiated by Brandon) I still have to work at 6:30AM until 5PM! So needless to say it has been a long week and we are excited for Brandon to get back! I shouldn't complain too much, Cannon is a GOOD baby, even with an ear infection, and I am only working a couple of days a week! I know boo-hoo, you can all wipe away your tears now! Ha! It's all good and we have an angel close by, commonly known as GRANDMA! My mom has been awesome this week! She has taken Cannon to the babysitter for me, (so that sitter doesn't have to get up at the butt-crack of dawn,) and we have slept over a few days this week. Brandon's mom took a turn too! So ll in all it hasn't been too bad. Thank heaven for FAMILY! I love them all so much and I am so THANKFUL to have them all in my life and close by!


Clements Family said...

Oh...I am so sorry. That is never fun, especially not having a husband around makes everything so much worse! By the way...Angie never said exactly why she got a divorce, she just said she really wanted to work things out and tried but that was not what he wanted so they ended things after 10 years of marriage! Sad!

The Balls said...

SO SORRY! I'm so sorry to be down here away from you and the Can-man! I can't believe he's that sick on the one week of my life that I'm across the country! (Official Comment: No Comment on the negotiated contract). Love you!-Brandon

Britney said...

Wow Rache - sounds like you've been having tons of fun lately...(ahem). Sorry about your little guy - I HATE it when little babies get sick, you just feel SO bad for them. Typical of Brandon to conveniently not be there when things get a little rough...haha - just joking. Keep the posts comin - love 'em!!

The Lind's said...

I am sorry! Poor little guy! I feel your pain with ear infections. Lauren had 11 before they put tubes in! I was in the doctors office everyday one week. No joke! It stinks. but it's even harder to watch you sweet little one be in so much pain. Ear aches hurt! I bet you will be happy to have Brandon back...if he isn't already! Hope Cannon feels better!