Wednesday, February 13, 2008


First things first! Just so everyone knows I DID NOT post the updated profile, which apparently has been updated for a while now, I would NEVER call myself super mom or super wife. I am SO FAR from being either and I am SO emabarassed! Brandon deffinitely earns the super titles in our family.

I wanted to tell my Valentines how much I love them! I couldn't imagine life with out Brandon or Cannon and I am eternally thankful and grateful for them. I couldn't ask to be in a better place right now. We are so fortunate! So many things can go wrong in life and it is amazing that we make it through most days ok. The last few days have really got me thinking about things. Our dear friends had an unexpected complication and thus an early delivery of their sweet baby boy. We have been thinking and praying for them constantly. It has really made me think about life and how precious it really is. It is comforting to know that the Lord has a plan and will lead us through times of trial. I love my Heavenly Father dearly and thank him for the most precious blessings in my life. My boys!
I never thought that you could love so much. Cannon is just the most incredible thing and we absolutely adore him (in case you couldn't tell by all the pics we post). I love you buddy and wish you a Happy Valentines Day!

Brandon is so much more than I ever thought I would have. He is a hardworker, dedicated, loving, loyal, honest, happy, much much more and o yes a GENIUS! I love him so much and I am so happy to have him as my Valentine! Happy Valentines Day Baby! I love you!


Britney said...

That is the sweetest thing ever! You guys are a great family and you set a wonderful example for all of us - too cute! Have a great Valentine's Day!

3 Men & a Lady said...

What a sweet post! Your little Cannon is so adorable! Isn't it amazing how much your love just overflows for your boys?!?! I'm really feeling the love this Valentine's Day! Have a good one! :)

The Reagans said...

You are such a cute mom! Crazy what these little boys do to you huh? Even though mine isn't so little any more :( he still is something special! Cannon is getting so big! I need to come see him!!

Clements Family said...

How sweet! I hope you guys have a good Valentine's day!

The Grimmett's said...

Brandon -
Funny how you find people on this! Jeff is my wife, Emily's, cousin! We were looking at the pictures of their little Dylan, and noticed you on their "friends" list. Hope to stay in touch.
Shaun Grimmett and Family

kdance said...

I have a hard time believing that you are NOT supermom/superwife. You ROCK!!!

3 Men & a Lady said...

Haha! I look at yours all the time too, so I already added you to mine! Feel free to add mine to yours... I guess I should've been polite like you and asked first! Babies really are the best thing ever. I love being a mom! :)