Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

I rarely write posts for the occurring holiday and I know that this is a weird one to write about, but for some reason I have felt strongly compelled to write a few words.
Yesterday we left church early to go and visit graves with Brandon's family. I have never had anyone close to me die, (other than great grandparents, all of my grandparents are still alive and well), so death is not something that I am familiar with. However, when we were visiting Paul's grave (Brandon's dad) his mom mentioned that they had been doing this for 16 years! Can you imagine?! Brandon has now spent more time without a father than he ever did with a father. It breaks my heart and my eyes swell with tears at the mere thought. It kills me to know that Cannon will never, on earth, know two of the greatest men in his life, two of his grandfathers, Paul and Kim.
I never knew Paul, but I often think that we know each other quite well. There have been many instances when I have felt very close to him. I think we would have gotten along well. Karen sometimes tells me how Paul wanted to name one of the girls Rachel, she said he got his way even in Heaven because now he has a Rachel in the family. It is weird to think of how it would be if he were still alive. I think about him a lot and I hope he is proud of Brandon and the things that he is accomplishing.
As many of you know it has been two years this October since Kim passed away. We found out we were pregnant with Cannon just two months after his death. Brandon and I loved to spend time with Kim. We would often go over on Friday nights to find Kim home alone watching a movie. He would ALWAYS turn off the TV and visit with us. We would usually end up staying and finishing the movie with him. Brandon and I always talked about what a great grandpa Kim was going to be to our kids. He had a quiet passion for family. He would have been something else to our little Can-man.
I like to think that the reason Cannon was TWO weeks late, was because he was having too much fun with his grandpa's in Heaven. What great men these were, and how dearly missed they are. I am so thankful for the plan of Salvation and for the opportunity that we all have to be eternal families. What a marvelous blessing that is. I know that we will be able to spend endless amounts of time with Paul and Kim someday, and I look forward to that. But for today, I will just take a minute to remember them and the great men that they were and continue to be.


The Lind's said...

What a sweet post. You got me all teary! I can't believe Cannon was 2 weeks poor thing. as you said I am sure there was a reason. Love your updated pic on the are a cute little family!

Clements Family said...
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Clements Family said...

That was such a nice post! How funny that you liked the name Bella too! We have the same taste! Love the Zoo pictures! Cannon is so cute!

Britney said...

That was a great and thoughtful post Rache! You are so cute. I am grateful that families can be together forever, too! Thanks for the lovely reminder of what a blessing that is!

Lindsay said...

Hi Rachel,
I found your blog off Jill's Blog. Your post was so thoughtful and touching, thanks. I can't beleive you were two weeks over, I was only two days over and I thought that was missrable.

Jenny and Kasey said...

I absolutly love the pic of the can man next to dad's grave!!! Love it!! I texted kasey and told him to make sure and look at your blog cuz I know he would love the pic too. We sure do have some great Dad's and Grandpa's missing in out lives!

Jenny and Kasey said...

Rach, you couldn't have said it any better. And I am glad you wrote about them.


Aaron said...

Wow, I can't read stuff like that at work, people will wonder what is wrong with me.

Terrific post, very fitting.

Andrus Family said...

Rache, that was such a sweet post. Cannon is a very lucky boy to have such a good mom! Can't wait to see you tonight!

kdance said...

You are so sweet. I love ya, Rache and miss you tons. BTW, Evan ate a fistfull of dirt today! Yum!

Did you get Tara's email about having a get-together next month???

Kina and Nathan said...

Rachel, Thank you for that. I was blessed enough to live with Paul for a bit and he was my favorite uncle! One thing I remember about him is that he always had a smile on his face and he always took time to play with me and my brothers when we came to UT to visit. I know that he is proud of you and brandon!