Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cool Cat!

I should have done this post after BYU had their second shutout in a row over the weekend!!! GO COUGARS! But instead I finished Beth Cooper and I was so excited about the movie I had to blog about that!
So Cannon has his "game day" t-shirts for his inherently beloved Cougars and we think that there may be some good luck to them, after all they are playing pretty well, ranked 14th nationally. Whether he wants to like football or not, his father will see to it that he LOVES it. The kid is not a fan of TV, in fact he usually walks up to the television, turns it off and walks away. He won't even watch a Disney movie, cartoons or Sesame Street. However, you put on a football game and he is at attention. He will watch the majority of the game with Brandon. We even went to the Copper Hills Homecoming game a few weeks ago, (I know, we are super lame! It is a cheap date and my sister was cheering) and Cannon loved it! I thought we would be lucky to make it through the first quarter. We stayed until the fourth. He was cheering with the crowd, watching Copper Hills get killed (have they ever won a Homecoming game?) and thoroughly enjoying himself. He recently learned the sign for "touchdown" which he usually follows with a clap! It's too cute.
So in honor of Brandon's 1A true love in life, BYU football, here is our little cougar man rooting for his team and so far so good, loving football!
P.S. He likes to walk around with his sunglasses on, it is so funny! Thus the glasses with the game day shirt! Gotta love it!


The Lind's said...

ADORABLE!! Go Courgars! So far so good...I have a happy husband this season!! Cannon is so cute. I love that he can sign touchdown...to cute. and I going to buy that book...always need a good book. So what other books did you read? I miss seeing you. We should get together at Christmas when we are in town!

The Reagans said...

I love when little kids wear sunglasses, he is so cute. He looks like such a big boy! How are you guys doing?

Michelle and James said...

That is so adorable!!! Our poor children probably will never get the sports experience in our home from us. It will have to be other people, uncles, aunts, grandma etc.... The glasses are awesome!!!