Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We have a...

Ladies and Gentlemen we have a tooth! That's right after months of wondering if we ever going to get one, the 13 month old Cannon Ball has finally broken through! He wouldn't really let me take a picture of the inside of his mouth so this is as good as it gets. But who doesn't enjoy a few cute pictures of a cute kid?! I think he's smiling so big because now he can begin to chew instead of gum, which will be nice for me too since he is refusing to let me feed him. He thinks he is SO big and he needs to hold his own spoon. Which is truly just a recipe for disaster! Too cute!


3 Men & a Lady said...

That's crazy that he got his first tooth at 13 months old! They say the longer they wait, the healthier it is. I'm sure you're relieved that he can finally start chewing though!

Martha said...

Hooray!!! Congratulations on the tooth little buddy!

Aaron said...

Teeth = bleeding finger

I learned early on that once they get teeth, don't stick your fingers in their mouth, they will bite and laugh while you bleed.

They think its's not.

Michelle and James said...

That is awesome!!! Congrats little man enjoy as much as you can!!!

Clements Family said...

Oh my goodness! That is great that he is just getting his teeth! How cute is Cannon!

MerrittBadges said...

yipee!! Bring on the steak...