Monday, November 3, 2008


This last week was a crazy one! Brandon is finally on hiatus from traveling for a while so we cram packed in a few things. We spent a day getting the yard ready for fall, cleaning out the garage, did some Christmas shopping, went on a DATE! Plus Brandon had a number of things to do on his "honey do" list that has been building for the last five months. He took three days off last week it was so nice! However we didn't get our pumpkins carved until the last minute...I'm talking 4:30 PM on Halloween!! Brandon was in favor of forgetting the whole thing, but I have become very traditional since Cannon was born and I insisted!

He wasn't too sure about the seeds...he has this fetish about things sticking to his hands, he HATES it.

Cannon was supposed to be a cowboy with his little cousin,
but Brandon's mom had this dinosaur costume that fit him perfect and he wasn't bothered by it,
so we opted for the adorable T-REX!

Cannon was far more interested in the tea candles than his actual pumpkin! He was so cute, he got so excited every time one of the kids would come to the door. He loved putting the candy in their bags. So cute! I can't wait until he is old enough to understand the whole thing.


the Tonioli's said...

Fun! Isn't it so great to watch your kids get excited. It just makes traditions and holidays that much more special. I'm glad you get your husband back for a while. BTW, your hair looks so cute!

Clements Family said...

What a cute little dinosaur you have! I totally don't have a choice when it comes to Brooks and all his "activities." Though...I luckily have all the say in the world now!

Dr. Lordeslupe said...

I just love the picture of the Cannonball with no shoes on with his costume. I guess Dinosaurs dont wear shoes right?????
Please post a picture of the "SOCCER" king. I must do a comment.
Miss you today.

Sara said...

Cute cute! I hear ya on being more persistant on the holiday traditions now that we have kids! It is all so fun!

Michelle and James said...

So cute! Its so much fun to watch them learn about the whole process. Good job on being persistent on the traditions its fun to keep old ones and create new ones.

Bree said...

What a cute little dino!

Shawn and Steph said...

Cute costume!

Jeff and Brandi said...

He is too stinkin cute! I love the dino costume. By the way...I cannot get enough of him in that sweater vest for fam pictures. He looks like such a little stud!