Tuesday, December 9, 2008

sHaKe iT!!

We spent the last couple of weeks in Idaho for some family stuff. We stayed with my aunt who has a little girl that Cannon is in LOVE with, as am I because she kept him well entertained. Cannon loves to dance or "shake it" and one night he and my little cousins really got into it. It was just too cute, I had to post his little booty shakin' down the house.


Harrison Family said...

That is too cute!!!

Reagan Family said...

I love it! I love when they start dancing it is just too funny!

The Lind's said...

Look at those dance moves! I love it! He is getting so big! He is such a darling little boy!

Chelsea said...

Lookout... that boy's got moves!!

E Winzeler said...

Hi! I was so excited to see you comment...I didn't know you had a blog...now we can keep in touch better instead of just a "hi" and "bye" as we run through the halls! I love that Cannon has found a LOVE for the tree skirt, that's darling! He is such a handsome little man!

Tisha and Mark said...

Hey Rach! I have a favor- can you email me @ tishbit13@hotmail.com :) Thanks!

kdance said...

You need to come see me some time when you're in Idaho!

Your tree skirt is so cute! THat's so funny that Cannon loves it. Evan is the opposite, he can't leave the ornaments alone. Drives me crazy!

Unknown said...

That is so cute. That kid has got some moves. I love your family pictures as well on the side of your blog...are they new? Darling.