Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rockin' New Years!

We had an awesome New Years! We spent New Years Eve with our good friends at Bear Lake, courtesy of Katie and her parents willingness to offer their cabin. Who am I kidding, it wasn't a cabin, it was a luxury home. Keep in mind I am used to The Back of the Moon (the Ball cabin) which has long since seen it's prime! Anyway, I was very impressed with what an amazing retreat it was. My only regret is that we had to get home to do some other stuff so we didn't get to stay too long on New Years Day.
The "boy's" had an awesome jam session with Rock Band and Brandon has a hidden talent...some serious vocals! You know Cannon got his groove on! The kid loves music and dancing. He was so funny shakin' his little booty! What a character! The girls got in a session or two, however no singing for me, just some sweet drumming and out of this world guitar playing! I totally sucked at it but it is seriously one of the funnest games!
I don't know where he thought he was going, he had some fascination with Peyton's car seat, clearly he has long since out grown his.

This was the view of Bear Lake on the way down from Katie's cabin. It was really beautiful. Thanks Gehrkes for an awesome Rockin' New Years. We had a great time!


Ransom Family said...

Hey Rach,
Every time Sydney sees Cannon's picture she says his name. Of all the cousins she has he is the only one. It looked like new years eve was a blast. Would have liked to see some video of Rockband.

Sara said...

Oh, that looks so fun! We wish we could be there to party with you guys!!

Britney said...

Fun New Year party! I seriously love Rock Band - that's awesome that you guys played. That cabin looked sweet and so did the view! I'm glad you guys had a good time. P.S. I LOVE that you guys call Brandon's family's cabin "The Back Side of the Moon." That is hilarious!

Jill Knotwell said...

You know you didn't have to go ALL the way to Bear Lake to play Rock Band. We had it across the street at our house and we really missed you guys. Oh wait, YOU NEVER COME TO ANYTHING!

MerrittBadges said...

Sounds like you had a grea time! Bear Lake is one of my favorite places to be! Happy New Year!

Michelle and James said...

Sweeeet Deal! looks like you had a blast. What a great excuse to stay up late, have fun and make fools of ourselves all in the spirit of the the Holiday's and "sing" in a new year.