Monday, February 16, 2009

30 Random things...

1. I am neat freak! Cannon has been the hardest change in my life EVER because things just don't stay neat when you have a kid!

2. I LOVE coke, but have chosen to "give up" the love of my life for health purposes. Did you know soda can cause osteoporosis? Let's not kid ourselves though, I still sneak one here and there.

3. I wanted to be a pediatrician when I was growing up, but decided that it was just too much school!

4. I got robbed when I worked at Utah Central Credit Union by some punk kid! Hope he is enjoying his cell at the state pen!

5. I know a lot about health and fitness, wouldn't guess it by looking at me I know.

6. I LOVE food! Which explains the above! Love trying new things, including B's random attempt at Mongolian! It wasn't bad, really honey.

7. I actually don't mind working out. It just makes your day go by so much better & you feel so accomplished after a run or an hour of cardio, that even if you get nothing else done, at least you did that. Let's face it, as mothers we have many days when nothing gets done!

8. Cooking relaxes me. I love to cook and try new recipes. Weird I know.

9. Someone at church thought I was 24 yesterday and I could have kissed her! I was so flattered...sadly I am not 24 anymore.

10. I wanted to teach kick boxing when I was in college. I took this awesome kick boxing class at USU and I was determined to get be registered instructor...I got married instead.

11. I would like to get a degree in interior design.

12. I LOVE to travel but married a man who is as content as can be at home.

13. I actually like Fast and Testimony meeting. I enjoy listening to people ramble on and on.

14. I am kind of afraid to fly. Once I am in the air I am fine, but I have some serious nerves before take off and landing.

15. Because of my world re-knowned know it all sports husband, I know A LOT about sports.

16. Seafood is my favorite food! I could eat shrimp all day everyday! Pistol Pete's, this restaurant in Cottonwood Heights, has the BEST shrimp tacos of my LIFE. They are "temporarily" out of business! Could you all pray they come back and quick?!

17. I love pictures and don't know how I will ever keep up with more than one child's scrapbook.

18. My dad's sister is married to mom's brother, so I have double cousins. It sounds twisted but we all turned healthy and fine, no incest I swear it!

19. My husband took two of my best friends to Prom but somehow skipped right over me, the love of his life. :)

20. I got my hand stuck in an escalator when I was 3 and have the scar to prove it!

21. I once fell into the duck pond at Weber State University (I think I was 3 or 4). My mom thought I was going to drowned but some random guy pulled me out. I got a new outfit out of it so I wasn't too upset. I think I gave my parents a rough year that year.

22. I absolutely can not handle long finger nails on myself. Just ask B, I almost had a nervous breakdown looking for clippers last night so that I could cut them. I think it comes from all the years at the Patch.

23. I used to be a really good artist. I won a few awards in some art shows but haven't really done much with my art in the last few years. That is definitely a talent I should resume.

24. I saw Mitt Romney at the airport last year when he was running for President, I wanted to take Cannon and get his autograph but Brandon wouldn't let me go talk to him, so I missed the boat on that one.

25. I just down loaded some sweet Jonas Brothers on my ipod, I felt a little school girl-ish. But who doesn't enjoy a little teeny boppin once in while.

26. I worked at the Flower Patch for 8 years! Who does that?!@!

27. I hate texting on word, I do it the old fashioned way one one letter at a time!

28. I had to speak in stake conference when I was 17, I almost threw up I was so nervous. Plus there was an apostle there, Elder Ballard. I didn't think I was going to make it through that meeting! I kept looking at the door planning my escape!

29. I don't mind doing laundry but HATE folding the whites! Too tedious!

30. I absolutely LOVE Brandon and Cannon more than ANYTHING else in the world, including coke ;) or anything else mentioned above!

I totally stole this post from Kina, but I thought it was quite cute and I was bored. I thought it was kind of fun!


Bree said...

That is fun, some people hate these kind of things but I love them.

Martha said...

I love doing laundry, and I hate folding everything but towels. (Fitted sheets are the worst!!)

Clements Family said...

I loved reading that! So fun! I like doing laundry, I just don't like to fold it, because there is just way to much to put away!!

Michelle and James said...

Loved it. It's nice to learn new things about people even if you are related and know most of it already.

Sara said...

That was super fun to read and learn more about you- the escalator, giving up coke, neat freak... all fun stories to read!

Dr. Lordeslupe said...

I love folding towels and sheets. My crazy mom taught me a trick. She can make them look like they came right out of the package. You're a special girl Rach...even if you arent 24. Fast Testimony???? I hate watching people cry. hhehhee

Andrus Family said...

Cute Rache! I actually learned some new things about you!

Kina and Nathan said...

I loved that!! Thanks for sharing! I totally love coke and seafood too, but I don't really drink soda at all now except for the occasional one. Most of the time it's at costco when I'm eating a hotdog there cause I swear, coke makes the hotdog 100x better then it already is!!