We went to Bear Lake this weekend, oh wait I mean Montpelier Idaho! We had a family reunion for my mom's family but spent the weekend at the campground (in Montpelier) rather than the lake. Who would have guessed that in AUGUST, presumably one of the HOTTEST months of the year the high this weekend was a whopping 65 degrees! Yes you read that right! Needless to say the jet-ski's and the boat did not make it to the water. Nor did the peeps!
I know! You are kidding me right?! Oh no!
I know! You are kidding me right?! Oh no!
It felt more like this...
We did go to the Minnetonka Caves just south of the North Shore. It was very cool! It is an 1800 foot deep cave full of stalactites and stalagmites. It was only 40 degrees in the cave so we when we came out of it actually felt warm! I didn't take any pics of the cave but would recommend it if you have the chance.
The high lites of the weekend include:
*Me WINNING the candy jar full of M&M's, peanut so they are all mine because Brandon hates peanuts. (At every reunion I can remember my family has put out 20 or so jars full of candy, you guess the number and whoever is closest wins the jar! it's fun for the kids and in this case the adults!)
*I got my yearly camping trip in. That's all I need, just one camping trip to satisfy me for a whole year. The Ball's are not big campers, especially when we are tenting it in 40 degree weather with a 2 year old.
*I got to spend time with my family! They are the best and I wouldn't trade them.
Sue, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all the hard work you put into the reunion this year! You and Michelle did an AMAZING job and we had a great time! You were great hosts! Love you!
This is just a random picture...it is an old Mormon church on the North Shore. It is so COOL looking to me. I would love to get family pictures taken there. Doesn't it just look like it has so many stories to tell. I love old buildings like this. There is something so peaceful and such a fascinating time lost in them. It is an era frozen in time. It just seems so unreal to me, can't you picture a beautiful bride coming out the main entrance in her long sleeved lace gown, with a bunch of wildflowers in hand?

Rachel you are amazing. I can't believe you had the time to post, we got home unloaded and went to bed. Thanks for the fun weekend. I do know that my mom and I wished we could have changed the weather if we had control. Thank you so much for coming it makes it better when people are willing to come and participate even with crapy weather.
We went two weeks ago and I thought it was cold then. This weekend was much colder. I am glad that you didn't freeze!
I'm sorry it wasn't a warm weekend but at least you had fun! hopefully it's warm in Mexico!!
Oh, crappy! That stinks, especially now that it's warming back up again. Totally crazy weather! We were in Utah this weekend, and it was so weird to be in such cool weather when it's usually in the 90's this time of year. Well, glad you still had some fun.
What a cool church. That is a neat picture. That's too bad your weekend was so cold. If it makes you feel any better we were enjoying a break in the heat.
Oh that church is beautiful! I would love pictures there! How fun!
I am sorry about your cold weekend! That is not exciting when you are planning on warm weather fun!
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