"PEEEEASE" (Please) come home!
Mom is getting lazy and she takes me out to eat every night for dinner because she doesn't want to make dinner for the two of us. And she said she is sick of mac 'n cheese and chicken nuggets! Who could get sick of that stuff?!
She makes my go shopping with her and you know how I hate that!
She rushes me to bed at promptly 8:30 with out any rough housing!
She makes me brush my teeth!
She makes me sleep in my own bed ALL NIGHT, EVERY NIGHT, even though your side of the bed is wide open.
She won't let me play in the car or drive the car with her!
She makes me have a bath every day!
She wont' let me watch Monsters to my hearts delight!
She keeps taking me to grandmas with her so that she can work on her lame craft projects and she won't even let me get into whatever I want!
She won't push me in those big shopping carts with the race car. You know how much I love those.
She is always trying take those dumb pictures or videos with her phone so that you can see me, and I don't like cooperating!
And well she just isn't you! Please come home soon because I miss you!
The Bro!
Very cute idea Rach...such the blogger. Can I do one of these for you so you will come back to work????
I also agree very cute! Hope he comes home soon!!
Oh that was so sweet!
I loved that! I am sure he loves you so much, but it's so funny how dad's just really are needed aren't they?! The mom's are always having to hold down the fort
Cute post!!! Hey tell Cannon he is a lucky fella to stay up till 8:30- when Tommy is gone it is promtly at 7:00 in our house!!:) You are nicer than me:) You are doing great and I feel for ya having Brandon gone so much:( I wish we lived closer so we could play while our hubbies are gone!
Too cute! But tell Cannon his mom is awesome!!
Dad....if you don't come home, I'll never have a little brother or sister.....please please please come home and bring me one!"
(I'm channeling your child's innermost thoughts)
Aren't Mom's such a drag!
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