Monday, August 15, 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen for the first time ever....

Dun-dun-dunda! Ladies and Gentlemen lets hear it for Brooky who finally had her first tooth cut. It took weeks and many tears but on July 9 it made it! Since then tooth number 2 has cut and she is loving every minute of it! Oh the possibilities once you have teeth!

It is shame that she won't let me get a good picture of it because they are CUTE!!!

Also for the first time ever we have a walkin' talkin' fool! Yep this sweet girl toyed with the idea of walking on July 20 while she noticed her little boyfriend, Hewston, walking like a mad man. By that weekend she was walking more than crawling! A bitter sweet moment for me. So happy I don't have to carry her all over but so sad she is getting so big!
Notice the hands, probably my favorite part of a little walker.

In that same week she learned to do the stairs. HOORAY! No more baby gate and a little sense of freedom and relaxation for us all!
I love that she can finally do this without the constant fear of having her tumble.

A few things about miss Brooklyn...
She is FEARLESS especially now that she can walk.
The girl is a climber!
Like all kids she is such a big helper.
Her most helpful tricks are climbing up on the dishwasher, emptying the dishwasher,
Another "helpful thing" is her constant emptying of my makeup bag and carrying around my round brush all day while she tries to comb her "fixed hair."

Her "fixed hair," yes, well just say it gets fixed multiple times a day due to her "helpful hands" and grandma Chris's genetics. Translation: sweaty head and fine hair. Hey I am not complaining, at least the girl has hair! My mom says this my payback because I would never let her fix my hair and if I did I was always pulling it out.

I can't say enough about this girl! She is adorable, owns us all and we love her to pieces! It is so fun to see her learn new things even though it is tad sad knowing she is growing up!