Friday, February 3, 2012

For real!

I kid you not this REALLY did happen to me this morning....

Cannon with his hands scratching his little behind: "Mom I think there is something wrong with my butt."

Me: "What? What do you think is wrong with it?"

Cannon: "I don't know but you could look at it and tell me."

Me: "Umm sure, I guess so." I then proceed to pull down his little jammie bottoms and begin saying "I don't...." when I was taken back but a large man fart he had just released pretty much in my face. He quickly turns around looks, at me while pulling up his jammies and says, "Haha, nothing is wrong with it, but that was pretty funny hugh?!"

I was flabbergasted! I didn't know if I should laugh or yell or punish or what other than just sit there in complete shock. I was dying! Not only at what had just happened to me, but at the fact that my once little boy is turning into a "big boy." When did farts, burps, gross words and boogers become so funny? Oh how I miss my little Can-man, but clearly we have some pretty fun adventures ahead of us.

It's OK if you are laughing, I have to be honest, I was laughing pretty hard too and yes this was FOR REAL!


Heather said...


Martha said...

I was dying! That is hilarious.

Chalen said...

That would be a direct result of the Beveridge gene. Blame your hubby.

Clements Family said...

That is hilarious!

Nate and Jamie said...

That is the funniest thing I have ever read!! I loved it

Mike and Jill said...

That just made my whole day!