Sunday, April 13, 2008

Soda pop??? Thanks POPS!

So I am DETERMINED not to let Cannon have soda. Brandon and are way too dependant on a beverage a day and I don't want Cannon getting the soda belly, or the addiction. However this is clearly an episode of do as I say not as I do. Thanks to his dad, who commonly leaves things laying around such as soda cans (not empty), Cannon has begun his addiction! It looks like we are in big trouble. Even though he has sampled the sweet nectar, I am not giving up on the NO soda quest!


Clements Family said...

That is too funny! It is so hard when they are that little and they want something other than milk and juice. No suggestions or advice...we rarely let the boys have soda because of all the sugar...but when I drank Dr Pepper, the boys always wanted some, I guess maybe it is a good thing I gave it up!

Heather said...

Hey look on the bright least it's diet. Jonathan was the one who so kindly introduced my kids to Pepsi. Stick to it, he'll grow out of it. My kids know, momma needs her Dr. Pepper to be happy, but they aren't touching it!!!

kdance said...

I was determined not to give Evan any sugar, but I can't resist his excitement when I give him ice cream, etc. He's already an addict!!!

Britney said...

Oh no! That is way funny! He definitely has good taste, though.

The Lind's said...

So cute! Lauren loves my diet coke too! she is always sneaking a drink! But like Heather said at least it's diet! By the way Cannon is so cute!...I know you already know that!