1) I hate the bink! I think he is too old to be walking around with a pacifier in his mouth!
2) Brandon LOVES the bink and always sneaks it to him!
3) All too often I rely on it to sooth my aching ears that are soooo TIRED of listening to the whining of this terrible phrase, "binky, binky!"
3) We have major binky tragedies on a regular basis!
How does this happen you ask? Well, he has razor sharp teeth and BITES them apart! Yet another reason he is TOO OLD to have it. I know you are thinking just take them away. I sadly rely on it too. Some days are just too much!
This has happened one other time. Cannon was down for a nap and would NOT go to sleep. He had been lying in his bed for at least an hour, finally I went in to see what all the whining was about. He gingerly handed me the injured pacifier with the saddest face you have ever seen and the sweet sobs of "mom, binky!?!" It was so funny I had busted up!
While I did feel bad about the binky situation at church, I REFUSE to buy more! Once they are gone, they're gone! I have been trying to ween Cannon from the Bink for months now, his ever so willing dad is a SUCKER and gives in every time. Needless to say, weekends are a battle of the binky. I insist on naps only, while dad says "it's cute, let him have it." I think he is just so cute without it, I mean look at this adorable boy!
In the mean time I guess we will deal with our binky tragedies and work on biting some more apart, that way they will just be gone!
He is so stinkin cute...does he suck his thumb at all? My mom thought it was so nasty and I did it for WAY longer than I should have!
that is a tragedy. good luck with getting rid of that. luckily all my kids were done with it by three months!!
You know, when Evan started to refuse his binky out of nowhere when he was 7 months, I was SO upset and frustrated, considering it helped him fall asleep. I guess I should consider it a blessing that I didn't have to wean him off the thing, right? What a stinker! He's a binki addict. That's okay, Evan is a milk-in-a-sippie addict.
BTW, I just read Cannon's ER story. So sad! Poor constipated kid. I hope he's doing a lot better!
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