Saturday, July 12, 2008


Last Friday night we had a get together with some of my roommates from college. Oh how I miss those girls and the good old days. Bare with me as I take stroll down memory lane. (Someday I will post the pictures from USU days and you will be sad you weren't there.) As you can imagine most of the night was spent reminiscing, sorry boys!

I honestly can not remember a more fabulous time in my life than that freshman year at Utah State. I went up there knowing none of my roommates. I was supposed to room with Annie Zachman but for some reason the school got us all mixed up so we both decided to go in blind and see if it worked out. I love Annie to death, but I am sure glad we decided to do that because I met five of the most wonderful girls in the world!

GOOD TIMES!! We had countless late night outings, like the rude awakening from Jefferson to go and see his snow creation, something I can not describe because it is a bit rated R. No curfew, or parents to tell us when to send the boys home. Boring 7 AM classes, constant laugh attacks, awkward moments (Malia & Kevin), crushes (like my pathetic one on Connor), letters from missionaries, endless talk of "some days," boy problems, staying up until 5 AM just to have girl talk, good old Merrill Hall. That place was the biggest dump I have ever and will ever live in I am sure, but there is something quite quaint about that place. (Beside the fact that we had a huge metal door that didn't even shut right and the handle always fell off, and our walls were white cinder block.) I could go on and on but most of you are already bored. I honestly love everyone of my roommates and I am so glad that I had the chance to spend that year with them!

It was fun to get together and see everyone and all of their kids. I can not believe that we are old enough to have children because it seems like just yesterday we were living it up with out a care in the world. Looking back, we were just babies ourselves and I can't believe my mom let me go off to college. I am so glad I did because I met five of my best friends and had one heck of a year! GOOD TIMES!!!!!


Michelle and James said...

You are so lucky, I wish I would have had that experience. I had a few roomates in my time and I don't think it was as much fun as it sounds like you had. I can only imagine the times you had, you are so stinkin cute and funny. Its nice to reminisce about the past, it almost keeps you young or makes you remember how old you are.

Michelle and James said...

Rachel- is where I got my background there are lots of cute ones.

Malia said...

I ADORE those memories! It is awesome to have a night just to think back on all those times. We were just babies, and really had no idea about real life, but I think that was the best part! It is amazing how one year can change the rest of your life and you can make life-long friends.

Andrus Family said...

I love reminiscing about college! Too funny!

the Tonioli's said...

I'm so glad we we were able to all get together. I love how we can just get right back to talking and laughing like no time has gone by. Let's get together again soon.

kdance said...

I couldn't have said it better myself! Ah, the good old days. That was so fun getting together. You are the best!